Title: Enchanted
Team Name: Spy for the Order
Word Count: 4x100
Rating: G
Challenge: Bookmark challenge
Characters: Hermione, Severus
A/N: Post-DH (epilogue ignored). Parts 1-4 can be found
here, parts 5-8
here, parts 9-12
here and parts 13-16
Hermione fidgeted with the bookmark, unsure what to do. If she was honest with herself, she knew she needed to get Snape to the hospital wing - to the care of someone who knew what they were doing - as soon as possible.
She did not know how he had survived the snake’s attack, but regardless of the miracle of the man still being alive, it was clear that he needed professional help.
On the other hand, she really wanted to know about the bookmark, and how Snape had come to be in the clearing. And if she didn’t use this chance…
* * *
She made up her mind. The last year had hardened her, and no matter whether her feelings for the man (‘Feelings? What feelings?’ she asked herself, deciding then to ignore that particular question for the time being), she wanted answers.
His condition seemed stable enough for the time being. If she took him to the hospital wing now, he was all too likely to avoid ever answering her questions. He might even avoid her completely!
So, blackmail it was.
‘It was your journal, sir. I want to know everything about it. And then I’ll take you back to the school.’
* * *
He raised an eyebrow, but one corner of his mouth twitched suspiciously.
Hermione wondered if this was a reaction to the snake venom.
She nearly felt guilty again - what if the venom was still affecting his nervous system? And the longer he had to wait for help, the worse his chances for a full recovery?
‘Yes, Miss Granger. It was my journal.’ He motioned for more water, before continuing. ‘And before you ask, the bookmark you’re - petting - was mine as well. As you’ve so cleverly deduced, it worked indeed as a Portkey, although not quite the way Portkeys usually work.’
* * *
Snape went quiet for a while, gathering his thoughts.
‘I had quite forgotten about it. It all happened a long time ago.’
He looked at Hermione. She didn’t think he was trying to break into her mind, but there was something so different about that look - quizzical, appraising, wondering, calculating, almost as if he’d never really looked at her properly before - that it made her squirm a little.
‘I was interested in creating new spells at the time, as you might know, as well as improving familiar potions and creating new ones. Much of that work went into the bookmark.’
On to
parts 21-24.