Hogwarts, a History V

Oct 13, 2007 23:59

Title: Hogwarts, a History V
Team: Order of the Phoenix
Rating: all ages
Challenge: Hogwarts History challenge
Characters: Severus, Hermione
Word Count: 8 x 100

Hogwarts, a History IV


She nodded, a solemn smile on her face. ‘I’m glad.’ Looking away, she took another sip of tea and said, ‘I’ll start a list of people I need to speak to and what I need to talk to them about.’

He handed her the list he’d started. ‘These are the names I thought of.’

‘Viktor … Harry … Hagrid, of course … who’s this Herbert Weber?’

‘He and Slughorn are the only two of Tom Riddle’s professors who are still alive. He retired from the Arithmancy position a few years before you started school here, and he’s now living in … Rome, I think.’


He glanced to his right. Her eyes were wide, and a grin stretched across her face. ‘Surely you aren’t suggesting that we summon all these people to Hogwarts, just for your convenience?’ he asked archly. ‘The school will send you to them.’

She looked at her teacup, biting her lower lip, still beaming.

‘I suppose this sounds like paradise to you, Hermione.’

‘Pretty much,’ she agreed.

‘Since I’m handling your duties as well as my own, you must coordinate the interview times and locations. It will take some time, but get as many in during the summer as you can.’


They gathered her things and went back to her rooms, chatting all the way. Hermione was obviously looking forward to the travelling part of it, and Severus assured her that the expenses - within reason - would be covered by the school’s continuing education fund.

When they reached her sitting room, she asked, ‘Can I offer you some tea?’

‘No, thank you. I have a bit of work to do, since my deputy gets to play all summer.’

‘And she’s terribly grateful for the opportunity,’ she retorted, smiling again. Hermione stepped forward, wrapping her arms around him, and he returned the embrace.


A week later, Severus was regretting his offer. He had visits to make to all the Muggle-borns’ families, answering their questions and calming their fears. Hermione was much better at this than he was, though she seemed to despise this aspect of the job as much as he did. But with her bent over her books every day and making frequent Floo-calls to arrange interviews, he felt no real inclination to foist any of her normal summer duties back on her.

That didn’t stop him from griping at her, especially during her rare appearances in the staff room for meals.


‘Four meetings with Muggle-borns and their families today,’ he grumbled as Hermione took her seat on his right.

‘I hope you enjoyed it,’ she said sweetly. ‘Pass the asparagus, please.’

‘One girl’s father said “Abracadabra.” He meant to be funny, but I nearly killed him.’

‘I’m glad you didn’t. Accio asparagus.’

‘And how is your research progressing?’

‘Delightfully, thank you. It looks like I’ll be able to coordinate at least seven of the interviews to be done in the first week of August. Doing them all at the same time will save the school money on Floo costs.’

Severus harrumphed.


Finally, Hermione was ready to go. She’d already talked to Hagrid and Minerva about their experiences as students and educators at Hogwarts. Severus was pleased with the results.

He was also pleased with their growing familiarity. He hadn’t worked up the nerve to properly kiss her yet, but not a day went by that they didn’t touch or embrace in some manner.

The morning she left for the Continent, Severus collected her from her rooms, levitating her trunk for her as they descended through the castle. As they passed the Fat Lady’s portrait, he asked, ‘Do you have your itinerary?’


‘Here,’ she said, brandishing it.

Black eyes scanned the list. ‘Merlin, woman, are you planning to sleep? Or have you somehow smuggled a Time-Turner out of the Ministry?’ He scowled at her. ‘This is an important task, but the purpose of the summer holidays is for the teachers to rest and relax. If you do everything on this list, you’re going to die of exhaustion by October.’

She snatched the parchment back and raised an eyebrow, infuriating him even more. ‘You’re the one who made the list.’

‘I didn’t intend for you to travel to a dozen countries in twenty days!’


‘If I’m going to all these cities I’ve never visited before, I’m going to be a proper tourist, too. And it’s seven countries in twenty-three days,’ she shot back.

He grunted. ‘Almost as bad.’ They stepped out into the sunshiny courtyard.

‘Severus,’ Hermione said. Something in the tone of her voice brought him to a halt. ‘I’ve been thinking. This is an amazing experience for me; I think you know that. It seems like you’ve been bending over backward to make it happen for me. You’re doing my work, as well as your own. What’s in all this for you?’


Hogwarts, a History VI

hogwarts history challenge, keladry_lupin

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