Never be the same

Oct 13, 2007 22:59

The screaming began again.

Severus rolled over, hoping it would stop.  After a few moments, an elbow into his gut told him it wouldn’t stop yet.  He stood groggily, glaring at his wife.  Why couldn’t she make it stop tonight?

The screaming grew louder as he walked across the room.  He would never understand it, though.  Still he continued moving toward the bellowing.  Hermione was torturing him with this.

Upon reaching his destination, he picked up the noise-maker.    This would be the last time.  His daughter needed to start sleeping through the night.  His world would never be the same.


Again with the screaming.

The shrillness hurt his ears, but he was pleased nonetheless.  This time Hermione was on the receiving end.  The tears began in earnest, from both females.  Apparently he was needed this time, too.

Severus walked across the room and stepped between his daughter and his wife.  He put his hands up to separate the two.  After sending the younger to her room, Severus gathered his wife into his arms, holding her until the tears stopped.  He then went to the other, doing the same for her as well.

His world would never be the same.


Would the screams never end?

Severus knew he was right when he heard of his daughter’s birth-his world was never the same again.  This time, though, the screams were excitement.  His little girl was all grown up and had her own little girl now.  He was a grandpa now.

Hermione looked his way and smiled at her husband.  She would never have believed it had she not seen it with her own eyes.  This was a sight few would believe could ever happen.  The young girl was sitting atop her grandfather’s back riding her pony, giggling and screaming for more.


I hope you have enjoyed this miniseries.
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