I F***ing Do, Part 14

Jun 22, 2008 08:54

Title: I F***ing Do
Team : Order of the Phoenix
Word Count: 100 x 13
Rating: Mature--bad language here. (Well, obviously.)
Challenge: Creative Cursing Challenge
Characters: Hermione/Severus, Lavender, Ginny, Luna, Tobias Snape, Fluffy the Parrot
Disclaimer: They're not mine, they're J.K. Rowling's. Alas.
Notes: 14th installment of "I F***ing Do," ( Read more... )

bluestocking79, creative cursing challenge, hissing harpies

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Comments 44

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bluestocking79 June 22 2008, 18:14:45 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you like Toby--and Fluffy. :D


firefly124 June 22 2008, 13:15:08 UTC
ROFLMAO!! Oh, this was wonderful!

fwooping lollyganger

Love that one in particular, though manipulative, goat-buggering, pickled turd runs a close second.

And so Toby is the culprit who brought Fluffy. I feel like I should be more surprised, but that just fits somehow. *g*


bluestocking79 June 22 2008, 18:17:45 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the set. It was fun to try and imagine what kind of curses Luna would use.

And yes, Toby's the one to blame for Fluffy. It does make a twisted kind of sense, doesn't it? :-)


septentrion1970 June 22 2008, 13:17:06 UTC
It's a wonder they hadn't call it off yet, even with the goblins' blackmail over their heads.


bluestocking79 June 22 2008, 18:19:17 UTC
True, but I'm glad they haven't, because otherwise we'd have nothing to write about. ;-) Then again, they're locked in not only by the goblins, but by a need to build positive publicity for their business, because their competitor isn't playing fair.


geminiscorp June 22 2008, 13:27:54 UTC
LMAO! Great installment. I think I'm gonna like Fluffy. =D


bluestocking79 June 22 2008, 18:20:18 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the set. Fluffy's glad you approve--but I won't repeat the rest of what he's said. ;-)


a_bees_buzz June 22 2008, 13:53:30 UTC
Yay for take-charge!Hermione! I've missed her.

"Fwooping lollyganger" is my favorite curse of the set, but this line: "Ah, bless. You've your mam's mouth on you. Leenie said the sweetest things." There is an entire history and a full character definition tied up in that one, crisp, perfectly nuanced line. And Tobias and Fluffy are just too funny for words.


bluestocking79 June 22 2008, 18:25:35 UTC
Thank you! I thought it was about time Hermione asserted her bossy self, because people have been taking terrible advantage of her so far. She's been awfully tolerant!

I'm so glad you like that line of Toby's, because it was the one that inspired the whole set. Seeing Toby and Eileen interact eventually will be.. interesting, I think. As for Fluffy, he's a hoot (so to speak) to write, so I'm happy you approve.


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