I F***ing Do!, Part 7

Jun 15, 2008 08:52

Title: I F***ing Do
Team : Order of the Phoenix
Word Count: 100 x 11
Rating: PG-13 or so--bad language here. (Well, obviously.)
Challenge: Creative Cursing Challenge
Characters: Hermione/Severus, Jocasta Granger, Narcissa Malfoy, Molly Weasley, Minerva McGonagall
Disclaimer: They're not mine, they're J.K. Rowling's. Alas.
Notes: Seventh in the ( Read more... )

bluestocking79, creative cursing challenge, hissing harpies

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Comments 38

moreteadk June 15 2008, 13:51:54 UTC
Another great installment!

I loved the image of Severus hogging the biscuits while the battle raged over head. And the Howler! Oh the Howler! That was brilliant.

And of course his father will be coming out of the woodwork too, now that he's thought that. He's jinxed it.

And I'm still waiting for the parrot.


bluestocking79 June 15 2008, 22:11:51 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. The Howler, I must admit, was a lot of fun to write.

I can't reveal anything that's coming up, of course, but you might right about Severus having jinxed himself. ;-)

As for Fluffy, never fear: he will show up eventually! He's just biding his time to make a grand entrance.


leonix8238 June 15 2008, 14:07:19 UTC
Hee Hee!

Loved this so many lines make me cough tea but the following three were superb:

"Alas, no. The squid is choosy in her affections."

"Just as she was contemplating suicide-by-butter knife as a means of escape"

"Severus was taking advantage of their preoccupation, steadily devouring all the chocolate biscuits. He shrugged and continued munching."

Thank you so much for this, I've been in a bit of a bad mood after reading an interview with Alan Rickman. There was mention of fanfiction and words were used so as weird and "not wishing to encourage it". Needless to say I was not amused. So this being very funny, has cheered my day.

In other news lol ...Sev likes chocolate biscuts eh...interesting lol!!!!


bluestocking79 June 15 2008, 22:23:22 UTC
Thank you! I'm delighted that this brightened your mood, although I hope the tea-coughing didn't cause any serious injury. ;-)

Severus does indeed enjoy chocolate biscuits, at least when I'm writing about him. If allowed to munch at will, he will finish an entire packet in one sitting.


droxy June 15 2008, 14:17:09 UTC
Death-Eating debutante..

This is a curse? I don't see how. XD

Snape's mum takes the phuking cake for sending a howler.


bluestocking79 June 15 2008, 22:25:14 UTC
LOL! Well, I'm sure Molly considers it a curse, but Narcissa might well take it as a compliment.

Eileen knows how to compose a Howler, doesn't she? She has such a charming manner; I can't imagine why Severus didn't mention her...


a_bees_buzz June 15 2008, 14:43:21 UTC
The Battle of the Biddies! You've done a marvelous job of staking out the different personalities and claims, with appropriately blistering language. And I'm very pleased that the senior Snapes are joining our little menage.


bluestocking79 June 15 2008, 22:26:52 UTC
Thank you! I love the term 'Battle of the Biddies,' and I'm glad you enjoyed this.

I'm so pleased you approve of involving the Snapes. I just couldn't resist adding them into the mix.


septentrion1970 June 15 2008, 14:46:45 UTC
The detail that cracked me up was Severus's and Hermione's stuff crammed up under the stairs to accommodate the visitors. But the rest was delicious as well.


bluestocking79 June 15 2008, 22:31:02 UTC
Thank you! Somehow, I can't imagine either of them being spectacular housekeepers, and I'd bet money that they had a small mountain of extra books to hide away. *g*


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