I F***ing Do!

Jun 08, 2008 15:45

Title: I F***ing Do!
Team Name: Spy for the Bloody Pirates... erm, Masked Men.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: creative cursing
Characters: Hermione/Severus/OFC

A/N: The Hissing Harpies proudly present “I F***ing Do!”, a round robin aiming to tell the true story of the notorious Snape-Granger wedding.

This little drabble is a follow-up to dickgloucester’s taster here, and in truth only an appetizer - the real McCoy comes up tomorrow. Prepare yourselves!

The usual disclaimer applies, but this Fluffy is mine, mine, all mine!

Previous chapter


“Fluffy! Pet Fluffy, you mangy monkeys, or you’ll hang from the mast, and not by your tails!”

The parrot had alighted on Severus’ shoulder, in a flurry of white feathers.

“Oh, shut up, Fluffy,” said Livia, rolling her eyes.

“Blistering barnacles!” croaked the bird. Severus was scratching its head.

“Your grandfather spoils that infernal creature,” replied Hermione severely.

Severus blushed to the roots of his silver hair, as Livia eyed him. His granddaughter had an inquisitive mind, and he could almost hear the cogs beginning to whirr.

“Didn’t you say, grandfather, that you had acquired Fluffy on your wedding day?”

Next Chapter

creative cursing challenge, hissing harpies, duniazade

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