What's In a Name?

Jun 07, 2008 22:42

Title: What's In a Name?
Team Name: Spying for the Order
Word Count: 100 words
Rating: G
Challenge: Fluffy Challenge
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Authors Notes: I was writing another story and wrote this scene and had to cut it because it didn't work. But it amused me too much to delete it into oblivion.

'Hermione Jean Granger?' he asked, holding her job application in his hand.

'Umm… yes?'

Snape thumbed through a stack of papers on his desk before he found the information he was looking for.

He narrowed his eyes. 'It says here that your name is Hermione Jane Granger.'

She dropped her eyes as she felt her cheeks redden. 'Well, yes, it was.'


'I changed it...'

There was silence as he waited for her to finish.

'After my fifth year.'

It took a moment before his impassive façade fell away, and Severus Snape broke out into a raucous fit of laughter.

ginny_weasley31, fluffy challenge

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