Fic: Brush With Insanity (Part 2)

May 16, 2010 06:56

Title: Brush With Insanity

Author: gradgirl (aka Ali)
Rating: PG-13

Summary: Sometimes Reid liked to attribute his attraction to Luke as a brush with insanity. But it lasted too long and it felt more deeper than simple physical desire.

Author’s Notes: Takes place a month in the future. Based upon all the episodes up until now, and haven’t included anything from the spoilers (that I know). Basically a really, really long one-shot. Broken into four-parts. Unbeta’d all mistakes are mine. Feedback or constructive criticism is always appreciated. Thank you for stopping by and reading. ~Ali

{ Part 1}

When Reid got home that night, he knew no matter the size of the sandwich, he wouldn’t feel any better. He’d finally done it; he’d finally had to say good-bye to Luke Snyder.

“How was your day?” Katie greeted him a little while later.

“Are you still matchmaking?” Reid queried.

Katie hesitated for a moment. Since Noah’s surgery, she had seen a change in Reid, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Initially, she attributed it the concerns about possible complications. But now that Noah was getting better, she realized it had to be something else. “Yes.”

He took a deep breath, not sure, if he could actually do this. “Could you find someone for me?”

Katie’s mouth fell open. “For you? But-”

Reid held up his hand in warning, “Don’t say his name.”

“All right.” Katie attempted a smile, but she knew this would be one time she’d hope to fail in her matchmaking. “I’m sure I could find someone.”

“Good,” Reid answered.

“Do you have any specific qualities you’re looking for?”

Reid looked at her for a moment, not quite sure what she was getting at. “When it comes to men, I’m not that particular, Katie. As long as he’s available and understands that I don’t really have time to date, but a companion for the evening-”

“Reid, this is Oakdale,” Katie responded, feeling the need to make a few things clear. “While I have connections, I want to maintain them. If you want someone to have a one night stand with-”

“What? No. That’s not what I meant, Katie, just he has to understand that even if I want to order a pizza and watch a Cubs game, that I may be called away. That’s all I meant. And if we are going to have a pizza and beer, then he has to bring it. I don’t like that delivery guy.”

“What do you have against the pizza deliver guy?” Katie asked.

“He’s got terrible timing.”

Katie knew there was a story there, but it would most likely involve the man who’s name she wasn’t supposed to say. “All right, I’ll see what can do.”


A few days later, Katie had the guy for Reid. “Scott Harris,” she told him, watching as Reid made one of his mile-high sandwiches.

“Who?” he asked, trying to get the pickle arrangement just right.

“Scott Harris. He was on the show today. He’s the head of a not-for-profit group that helps organ transplant survivors, offers social and financial support for the patients and their families. He’s cute, single, gay, of course, and interested in meeting a world-renown neurosurgeon.” She smiled, pleased with her choice. “Apparently, he saw you on the show a few months ago when Henry was donating the check for the Snyder Pavilion. He’s been wanting to get your number.”

Reid finally stopped making his sandwich and met Katie’s gaze. “Really?”

She grinned and nodded her head. “Yes. So I made you dinner reservations at the Lakeview for tomorrow night at seven. Clear your schedule.”

“I will,” he promised. It wasn’t going to be easy, but the last month was enough-he wasn’t going to do something as ridiculous as pine over Luke Snyder any more.


It had seemed like a good idea at the time, Reid thought, as he took a sip of his lukewarm beer. Now, sitting and waiting for this Scott guy to show up, all Reid could think about was stuck elevators and panic attacks, and Luke’s grin when he realized he had helped Reid.

“Reid Oliver?”

He jumped slightly and found himself staring at a dark-haired man with kind brown eyes and a nervous smile. Reid judged his age to be close to his own and in a way, he was relieved. He didn’t know if he could deal with another case of inexperienced puppy love. The doctor knew he wasn’t being fair, but he was still hurt and he didn’t feel like giving any slack to young Mr. Snyder.

“Yes,” Reid finally replied, standing up and shaking the proffered hand. “Scott?”

“Yes,” the man’s smile deepened as he returned the shake. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“You too,” Reid replied. “Please sit.”

The waiter came by and Scott ordered a beer as well. “I have to admit, when I agreed to do the interview with WOAK, I didn’t expect to get a date. I might not be so pressed to publicize our fundraisers next time.”

Reid chuckled softly. “Yes, I find glad-handing and being nice detrimental to my work, actually, but I’ve been told it can help.” When he looked at Scott, he tried to remember Katie’s instructions to be nice, at least for the first five minutes. “But I also have a low tolerance for BS, so…” He shrugged as though to say, What can you do?

Scott laughed. “Katie said I would like you. Glad to know she was right. The last thing I’d want from my doctor is BS anyway.” He picked up his menu. “Do you recommend anything?”

Reid picked up his menu as well and realized he’d never actually eaten there. He’d had a drink once or twice, but never a meal. “Well, I’m not sure, actually.”

The waiter came back with Scott’s drink and both men decided to go with the special. They spent the next few minutes going through some of the first date topics: school, family, how they ended up in Oakdale. Reid glossed over some of the parts about the blackmail, and accident with Kim Hughes, just that he had been called in on a consult and when the money for the wing came in, he decided to stay.

Reid had been so engrossed in the conversation and he had been so relieved that it appeared to be going well, he didn’t realize Luke had come into the restaurant.

“I’m sorry, Reid, but I have to ask-” Scott cut him off, and Reid ground his teeth for a moment. He hated being interrupted.

“Yes?” Reid tried to smile, but he was annoyed.

“There’s a young man sitting at the bar, who has been staring at us for the last five minutes. The way he’s looking at you…it makes me wonder if maybe you lost a great deal of money to him in a poker game.”

“I don’t play poker,” Reid replied, looking over his shoulder and his finding his gaze locked with Luke Snyder’s. “Of course,” he muttered under his breath.

“Do you know him?” Scott asked.

He turned back to his date. “Yes, that’s Luke Snyder, his boyfriend was the patient I came here to consult on. His foundation has helped to supplement the rest of the funds for the Snyder Pavilion.” And he’s the reason I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in a month, he silently added.

“Luke Snyder? Oh, I thought he looked familiar.”

Reid knew Scott couldn’t be an ex, because Luke’s life revolved around Noah.  “You know him?”

“Yes, well, through business. His foundation gave a sizeable donation to our fundraising efforts last year. I should probably go say hello, it would be good for my group.” Scott started to get out of his chair.

Reid reached across the table and placed his hand on Scott’s. Seeing the gesture, Luke turned back to the bar, wondering if he could call Lucinda and offer to meet somewhere else. “Scott, Luke can sniff out insincerity with the best of them, and he hates it. Why don’t I bring him over here?”

“Thanks,” he said appreciatively and gave Reid a sheepish grin. “I’m sorry that my work is interrupting our dinner.”

“It’s all right,” Reid assured him and was surprised to realize he actually meant it. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea, after all, but he hadn’t brought Luke over yet, either. He stood up and quickly found himself facing Luke’s back. “Mr. Snyder?”

Luke winced slightly when he recognized that voice. He tried to look surprised when he turned around. “Dr. Oliver, what-”

Reid held up his hand. “Save it. My date, Scott, noticed you staring at us. Apparently, your foundation gave his group a sizeable donation last year and he wants to thank you. Could you…” He sighed. How did his life turn into this? “Could you come over for a moment?”

All Luke wanted to do was scream “No!” and run away, but he was tired of feeling like a child around Dr. Oliver. He could be a grown-up. He could meet Reid’s date, be charming, and maybe show Reid what he was missing. Yeah, Luke thought ruefully, because there’s nothing childish about that.

“Of course,” Luke replied. This was one of those times when Luke thought about a shot of alcohol to take the edge off, but he knew he couldn’t. Getting up off the stool, his hand brushed against Reid’s. Both men froze for a moment and Luke wondered when the brush of a man’s hand could be a turn on.

Reid quickly led Luke over to the table and Scott stood up. “Mr. Snyder,” Scott said, offering his hand.

Luke chuckled softly and Reid knew how much Luke hated being called that. “Please, Luke, Mr. Harris, with the Downey Group, right?”

“Yes,” Scott marveled and even Reid was impressed. He hadn’t given Scott’s last name, partly because he couldn’t remember it. “Would you like to join us for a drink?” Scott offered.

“He doesn’t drink.” “I don’t drink.” Reid and Luke responded simultaneously.

Scott watched them for a moment. He felt something was off, but he couldn’t quite place it. Reid had said that Luke was the boyfriend of a patient and his bedside manner left something to be desired, maybe they didn’t get along. Scott was quickly regretting his question to invite Luke over. Maybe he should have gone over there privately, but then he had to remind himself that Reid had suggested he be the one to bring Luke over.

“But a club soda, would be fine,” Luke finally said.

“Great.” Scott smiled and he pulled a chair over.

The waiter seeing that one of the owner’s sons was there, quickly got Luke’s drink request and returned before Luke could barely catch his breath. He was a little embarrassed and decided to deflect the attention off of himself. “So, Mr. Harris-”

“Scott, please.”

Luke smiled and Reid realized he’d missed seeing that smile. All the times Luke would bring Noah to his appointments, or the rare times the two men met to go over plans, Luke never smiled. “Scott, how’s the work going with the Downey Group?”

“Good, we’re doing our annual fundraiser. I was just on Katie’s show talking about it, and then she suggested…” his voice trailed off and he gestured toward Reid.

Luke followed Scott’s gesture and his gaze met Reid’s for a moment. He couldn’t read the expression on the doctor’s face, and he turned back to Scott. “Well, if you need any help, financially or otherwise, of course, please don’t hesitate to contact me.”

“That’s right,” Scott said softly, remembering why so many in the office had spoken so highly of the young man, his generosity was only part of it. “You’re a transplant survivor as well.”

Luke felt Reid’s gaze on him and he was determined not to meet it. “Yes,” Luke said to Scott, “I had a kidney transplant.”

Suddenly the reason why Luke didn’t drink clicked in Reid’s mind. He had so many other questions and he was left wondering what else there was to learn about Luke and realizing, he’d never have the opportunity to learn all of those things, either.

“It was in high school,” Luke said, his gaze briefly meeting Reid’s, before turning his attention back Scott.

“The kids really appreciated your hospital visits last year. It was nice for them to talk to someone who’d been through it, especially someone closer to their age.”

Luke smiled softly and nodded his head. He could still feel Reid’s gaze on him, but the air started to feel a little close. Reid was on a date. A date. And the last thing any one of them needed was for Luke to stay. “Well, if you need anything…” He pulled out his wallet, grabbed a business card, and handed it to Scott. “Let me know. And I can certainly visit anyone. Reid, uh, has my cell phone number. So…I’ll let you get back to your…date.” He nervously cleared his throat. “Excuse me,” he said, practically knocking his chair over in his haste to get out of there.

Luke placed his drink on the bar and dropped a few dollars. He turned, hoping to catch Lucinda and suggest another place, when he found himself standing right in front of her.

“Grandmother!” He gave her a hug and she kissed his cheek.

“Hello, darling. Have I kept you waiting long?” Luke glanced over Lucinda’s shoulder and saw Scott and Reid talking again. Reid was leaning over the table, and Luke felt his throat tighten.

“No,” he replied. “I haven’t been waiting long at all.”

The helpful waiter from before, found Luke and Lucinda a table, which, with Luke’s luck, had him in direct sight of Reid and his date. He tried valiantly to listen to Lucinda and gave a distracted order to the waiter, the whole time, watching Reid and Scott, trying to gauge how the date was going.

Lucinda didn’t let anything get past her, so she allowed her grandson to ignore her and offer distracted responses for a few minutes, but then she had to stop him. “So, Luke, darling, tell me something.”

“Yes?” he asked, his gaze finally pulled away from Reid’s table.

“Who are those men that you have been staring at since we sat down?” she asked with a smile.

“What?” he tried to pretend he didn’t know what she was talking about.

“Don’t lie to me. I hate when you do and you’re terrible at it. The attractive redhead and the distinguished brunette?”

“You really think he’s distinguished? I don’t know.” Luke crossed his arms over his chest and his eyes narrowed slightly. “He’s got kind of a weak chin.”


“The…attractive redhead is Dr. Oliver and the other guy is his date, Scott Harris, he’s with the Downey Group.”

Lucinda looked over her shoulder, taking a second look at the couple. She’d heard so much about the infamous Dr. Oliver, now she was starting to understand how he could get underneath her grandson’s skin. “And how’s Noah?” she asked.

“He’s doing well. His eyesight is almost better than 20/20 and he’s ready to get back into filmmaking.”

“That’s wonderful.”

“Yes, Reid gave Noah the miracle he wanted.”

Her grandson’s use of the doctor’s first name didn’t go unnoticed, nor did the slight hitch in his voice, either. “Reid?”

“Dr. Oliver,” Luke corrected and nervously took a sip of his club soda.

“And how is Dr. Oliver doing? I know you two never really hit it off…” she let the rest of her question hang in the air.

Luke felt his ears blush, remembering the tugging, and demanding way Reid kissed him. He was so sure of himself, so sure of what he wanted, and sure of what Luke wanted as well.

“Well?” Lucinda urged when Luke didn’t respond right away.

“Well, apparently Reid is doing very well for himself. He’s on a date,” he practically spit that last word. Reid didn’t date. What the hell is he doing?

Lucinda knew she would probably have to tread carefully, but she wouldn’t filter herself, either. “And if Noah has his eyesight back, because of Dr. Oliver, why does Dr. Oliver having dinner with an attractive man bother you so much?”

He shook his head, he couldn’t let her see. “Reid and I have never gotten along and the times that we do, well when we do, we-” he sputtered through his response, finally stopping when he couldn’t actually admit what really happens whenever he and Reid got together.

“Ah, yes. John Dixon and I had a similar relationship. Brilliant, abrasive doctor, but the man knew which buttons to push and in all the right ways.”

“Grandmother,” Luke groaned. He couldn’t believe he was actually going to have this conversation, and with Lucinda, of all people.

“Darling, don’t be embarrassed. Dr. Oliver is quite attractive. He’s brilliant and successful.”

Knowing it would be useless to deny it, Luke decided on a different track. “I brought him here for Noah, not me.”

“And isn’t he staying in Oakdale?” she countered.

“Yes, for the neurology wing.” Luke knew Lucinda was leading him somewhere with this, but he was too tired to stop it. All he wanted to do was stare at Reid and his date, hoping the kind Mr. Harris would bore Reid enough that he would get up and walk out.

“And all the money your foundation is giving for that wing that was for Noah as well?”

“Well, patients like Noah, those who need the best care.”

“I see. And the reason you’re on the board and mooning over Dr. Oliver now is because of Noah?”

He winced, hating that Lucinda saw through him and hating even more that she sounded just like Reid. “I’m not mooning over Reid.”

Deciding to let that go-for the moment-Lucinda added quietly, “You haven’t stopped staring at the man since I came in. And I can only imagine you’ve been observing him and his date for a lot longer.”

Luke knew there was no point in denying it, but he was still annoyed with himself and especially with Reid. “He’s always talking about his work, how he can’t focus on anything but that. The one time we tried to have dinner together, he got called away.”

Lucinda valiantly tried to track the conversation. Her headstrong grandson was making it difficult, especially when he was pretending not to be interested in the doctor, when clearly he wanted nothing more than be with him.  “It’s not fair for him to have a social life?”

Luke let out a huffy breath. “Well according to Reid, he doesn’t have one. And what is he doing here? He only gets take-out or he makes these artery-clogging sandwiches.”

She couldn’t help but smile. “You’re right, darling,” Lucinda began and waiting for Luke to tear his gaze away from Reid’s table once more before she finished, “you’re not mooning.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re jealous.”

“Yes. What? No!” He shook his head. “I have… Noah needs me,” he pointed out, wondering why no one else seemed to get that. They were back together. Sure, it wasn’t perfect, but it never was, and that was okay. They could figure it out.

“So you are completely happy with Noah.”

“Well, no, not completely happy, we’re still… We’ll figure it out.”

“Luke, darling, all I have ever wanted was for you to be content. I love Noah, but since that terrible accident, neither one of you have been happy. And if Dr. Oliver can incite this much passion out of you…I have to believe he could also incite that much happiness as well.”

Luke felt his shoulders slump. It was the same argument he’d had with Reid earlier. “How can I… How can I have a relationship with Noah’s doctor?”

Before Lucinda could respond, they both heard a beeper go off. Luke recognized the sound and knew Reid was about to be called away on an emergency. He and Lucinda turned and watched as Reid offered a hasty apology and placed his hand on Scott’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze before leaving. It was that last gesture that make Luke’s heart sink. He couldn’t even be glad Reid’s date was cut short.

Looking at her grandson, Lucinda noted, “I could never get used to it, by the way.”

Luke finally pulled his gaze away from the door. Reid had just exited. “What?”

“Having your plans change because the man in your life gets called away to the hospital; it’s always a dreadful nuisance. I hated it, but knowing you, Luke, you would get used to it.”


{ Part 3}

luke/reid; fic: brush with insanity

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