Slipping Through -- It's Not Stalking, It's Enthusiastic Admiration

Jun 09, 2008 20:07

Book cover by et_muse

Title: Slipping Through
Chapter One: It's Not Stalking, It's Enthusiastic Admiration
Date Written: 6/8/08
Rating: PG/K+, 'cause Jack's well... Jack.
Word Count: 1,147
Fandom: FAKE/Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Dee/Ryo, Team Torchwood
Spoilers: FAKE through to Volume 7, Torchwood up through Season 2
Warnings: Boys kissing, and Jack being Jack.
Author Notes: So, uh... Yeah. I got a friend of mine, totally4ryo, into the Torchwood fandom, right? And there was much rejoicing (yay!). Then she breaks out with the idea to do a FAKE/Torchwood crossover, and since I'm the Who/Torchwood fangirl, guess who gets roped into it? That's right.

The whole story is as of yet unnamed: However, we are both open to suggestions.

Slipping Through master list found here.

Ryo Laytner-MacLean was being a total fanboy. And Dee was never going to let him live it down.

He'd spent a good chunk of his formative years in the UK -- Japan too, of course, but he'd picked up linguistic traits, slang and other sorts of British English phrases from his Scottish and English cousins that he'd been teased about as a kid in the New York school system.

His father used to tease that he spoke three languages: American English, British English and Japanese.

Ryo still had fond memories of watching BBC with his dad and grandfather as a child, three generations of MacLean men enjoying the pinnacle of cheesy, mind-boggling sci-fi, Doctor Who (Ryo and his father had been Tom Barker fans, while Franklin was still partial to William Hartnell). He'd been completely excited at the reprise of the show, and had watched it hardcore despite the teasing of both Dee and Bikky.

Then Torchwood had spun off, starring John Barrowman and Ryo had been hooked from the time he heard it was filming. He'd even managed to turn Dee into a Barrowman fanboy (he was proud of that). When Dee had finally relented about visiting his grandparents in Scotland, Ryo had innocently teased him about going to Cardiff and seeing all the landmarks from the show.

Then Dee had actually found a tour, and well, they were sold.

Which lead to them here. Cardiff, Wales, UK, walking hand-in-hand toward the famous Roald Dahl Plass.

"Y'know, Mother used to read Roald Dahl to us," Dee said conversationally as they walked.


"Yup. Although for the longest time I thought his name was Ronald."

Ryo laughed and leaned in to kiss Dee's cheek. "He was born here in Cardiff. Maybe we can hit the internet when we get back to the hotel, see if there are any Roald Dahl tours to take?" he teased gently. He grinned when Dee gave him a pout. "He was one of my favorite authors as a child too."

They walked along the street, discussing the finer points of children's literature and teasing one another on their taste in books. As they turned onto the Plass, Dee stumbled a little, bumping into Ryo. "You okay?"

"Yeah, 'm fine," Dee replied, frowning and looking over his shoulder. "My ankle just sorta turned out or something."

Ryo wrapped an arm around his waist. "Need to sit?"

"Nah," Dee said, shaking his head. "All better now. Although if you want to kiss it better..."

Ryo laughed and pulled him into a soft, sweet kiss. "How about we sit down by the fountain? The group's gonna meet there, I think we're a little early though."

Dee gave a child-like grin. "Last one to the invisible lift's a rotten egg!" he teased, running across the Plass.

"Hey, wait for me!"


When Ianto Jones stepped into the Hub, he was greeted by his boss-turned-lover, Jack Harkness. This, of course, was not that unusual. Jack did, after all, literally live out of his office.

What was unusual was Jack pulling Ianto into a huge, reassuring hug as the others watched on.

"What did I miss?" he called out over Jack's shoulder.

"We got a Rift Alert while you were out on the breakfast run," Gwen said, patting his shoulder. "Oh hey, donuts today."

"Thank you, PC Cooper, for doing nothing to subvert expectations," Owen called out from his desk.

"You're just mad 'cause you can't have any!" Gwen said, rescuing the box from Ianto. "Cheers."

Ianto rolled his eyes and pulled Jack off him. The hug was turning from an overly-friendly hello to a groping free-for-all. If this kept up, he'd have to get the hose. "Clingy today?"

"It came from up in the Plass, I was worried," Jack defended, frowning a little as the Welshman removed his hands.

"Obviously." The dry humor would have hurt, but there was a little smile hiding in Ianto's eyes.

"You never let me have any fun."

"I let you have far too much, Jack, and you know it."

"While I hate to break up such a cozy conversation," Toshiko teased, hidden by her screens, "I found what came through the Rift."

"What is it, Tosh?" Jack called out, already heading towards her computer station.

"Come and see for yourself. They're sitting up on the Lift."

Owen slid his chair over to Tosh's station and Gwen, Ianto, and Jack moved to look at the screen. Sure enough, there were two humanoid men sitting up on the Lift. One had dark brown hair, while the other had lighter, sort of honey-brown hair.

"Are you sure they're what came through?" Ianto asked.

"Positive." Tosh turned to another screen, which was showing bars and graphs of various readings. "I'll have to get closer to get better readings, but they've got Rift energy around them. Sort of odd readings, though."

"Odd readings?" Jack asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Close but not quite what we're used to seeing." Tosh turned to look at them, taking her reading glasses off. "But to get better readings, we need to get them in the Hub."

"They're dressed in contemporary clothing, and they don't seem to be having a nervous breakdown," Ianto noted. "Maybe they just accidentally got some residual energy on them?"

"We can't take that chance," Jack said, cutting his gaze over to Ianto for a millisecond before taking a deep breath. "Okay. Owen prep the medical bay. Toshiko, I want more readings. Ianto, Gwen, with me. We're going to assume that they're just stranded tourist, but I want you to both to have at least stun guns on you."

Ianto nodded and headed off to the armory, as Owen headed down to the medical bay and Toshiko went back to her work.

"They look awfully human," Gwen said, watching the two men on screen. The brown-haired one had his arm around the other, and the lighter-haired man was checking his watch. "They... look like a couple."

"A really good-looking couple," Tosh said in agreement.

"Oh yeah, like we've never encountered aliens masquerading as humans before," Owen said sarcastically. "PS, the last two almost ate Gwen."

Jack laughed. "Come along, children."


Ryo frowned as he looked at his watch. "The tour was supposed to have met here already. Where is everyone?"

Dee shrugged. "Maybe we met at the wrong place?" he suggested before digging into his pocket. He pulled out a map of all the locations they were going to visit. "Why don't we try... ah, here. The Information Booth, over in the Quay."

His partner's eyes flashed at him. "Look at you. The Quay. Sound like a native already."

"Oi!" Dee teased, standing and pulling a laughing Ryo to his feet. "C'mon, let's go find our group."

They both missed the look of confusion a passer-by gave them when they stepped off the pavement.

ETA: Chapter two found over here.

doctor who, slipping through, fake, torchwood

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