Deviations from the Norm -- Up In The Sky...

Jun 01, 2008 23:34

Title: Deviations from the Norm
Chapter Seven: Up In The Sky...
Count the Ways prompt: Donna Effin Noble
Date Written: 6/1/08
Rating: PG/K+
Word Count: 879
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Team, Doctor, Donna, Martha (mentioned)
Spoilers: Torchwood Season 1 & 2, Doctor Who Season 04
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Because she rocks. You know it's true.

1/?: De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum Dicendum Est
2/?: It's Like Battle, But Harder
3.1/?: I'll Know It When I See It
3.2/?: Some Cupid Kills With Arrows, Some With Traps
3.3/?: Keeping Up With The Joneses
3.4/?: Speak Low, If You Speak Love
3.5/?: Shall I Never See a Bachelor of Threescore Again?
4/?: Paint By Numbers
5/?: There's No Place That Far
6/?: Its Eyes Are For The Stars

"Okay, coffee's in the cabinet, I've got enough for at least two weeks. If you need more, I've got the brand written down upstairs -- do not let the others find it, because then I won't really have a job around here anymore. When you use a contact, use my name and they'll fall over themselves to help you. Just leave any nonessential paperwork for me, I'll do it when I get back. Leave clean-up to Tosh and Gwen -- "

"Ianto!" Donna held her hands up, stemming off Ianto's flow of words. "I'm fine! I can muddle my way through, and if I don't know something I'll ask, okay?"

Ianto looked a little put out at the idea of Donna muddling in his Archives.

"Listen mate," she said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'll behave myself, and I'll make sure that one toes the line too," she said, jerking her thumb at the Doctor, who was standing next to Jack and talking in whispered tones. "Now you and Jack go. It's your honeymoon. Have lots of sex, stay in bed for days at a time and for God's sake forget about work."

The Welshman gave her a long look before laughing. "It's been a long time since I was able to not worry about work."

She smiled and pulled him into a friendly hug. "I know, you and Jack are Mr. and Mr. Torchwood," she teased. Donna pulled back and patted his shoulder, giving him a smile. "They're in safe hands. We'll take good care of everything."

"So!" The Doctor rocked on his heels, looking about the Hub. Jack and Ianto had -- literally -- just taken the invisible lift up to the Plass. "Torchwood! Torchwood, Torchwood, Torchwood. What do you do exactly, now that you're not waiting for me to pop up?"

Toshiko gave him a smile from around her screen. This Doctor was so different from the one she'd met in London, but he still had that similar charisma and enthusiasm for things. "Normally just wait for something to wash up through the Rift," she said. "We all have our own side projects we work on in the meantime."

"And what does Ianto do?" Donna asked.

"Ianto usually works on the Archives," Gwen told her. "Cataloging things, preserving older paperwork and information, transferring older information into the Hub's computer, that sort of thing."

"Oooh, the Archives!" The Doctor flashed a grin, white teeth flashing in the light. "Sounds like fun! Donna, you coming?"

Donna gave an exasperated sigh, already following two steps behind.

"He will shoot you if you mess up his Archives!" Owen called out from the medical bay.

Ianto and Jack returned two weeks later, looking tanned and well-rested, finding the Hub empty.

"Hello?!" Jack called out, looking one way while Ianto's eyes searched the other half of the Hub.

"I think they're out in the field," Ianto said. He was impressed to say the least. The desks were neat and clean, Myfanwy was flying around and looked fit enough, and everything was on standby while they were out, lights flickering on as Jack activated them with his Vortex Manipulator.

Jack jumped off the paving stone, holding a hand out for Ianto to take as he stepped down as well. "Well, let's take a look around and see how they did, hmn?" the Captain said with a smile, leaning in to steal a kiss before heading to his office.

Ianto watched him walk off before turning to inspect the Hub. It look like it had been cleaned recently, within the past day or so. "Must have been slow, they've scrubbed," he called out over his shoulder.

"I know!" Jack's voice replied, amusement laced within the mild shock. "Even Owen's desk is -- Good Lord, the paperwork! I can't even see my desk!"

The younger immortal laughed softly. "I'll help you with it," he promised, picking up a file from a stack on Gwen's desk and flipping it open. He frowned a little when he realized that it was an incredibly old field report from the Archives, but it didn't have anything to do with any of the side projects. He turned through the report, scanning over the information before pausing and frowning.

At the bottom of the last page, in flowing, definitely feminine script, was a note suggesting the identification of the alien involved, followed by the initials DN.

"Jack?" The older man had written off his desk as a casualty of war and was halfway to his husband when Ianto turned around. "She wrote in my files."

Jack took the file and looked at it, laughing. "Oh hey, she's right too."

Ianto was already shifting through the pile. "She made notes about the alien weapons and gadgets, too," he said, holding up a spiral notebook. "Probably off of things the Doctor said."

The Captain smiled and closed the manila folder, handing it back over. "Probably." He let out a little laugh, his eyes taking on a far-off look. "I just remembered what Martha calls Donna. Super Temp."

"I would ask if we can keep her, but she wrote in my files." Ianto's tone was serious, but his eyes were sparkling with laughter. "That's unforgivable."

ETA: Chapter eight here

doctor who, count the ways, deviations from the norm, torchwood

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