Deviations from the Norm -- I'll Know It When I See It

May 06, 2008 12:20

Title: Deviations from the Norm
Chapter Three Part One: I'll Know It When I See It
dwtwprompts prompt: "God creates men, but they choose each other." - Niccolo Machiavelli.
Date Written: 5/6/08
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,035
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Torchwood seasons 1 & 2, slight for Something Borrowed.
Warnings: boys kissing. *GASP*
Author's Notes: *cackles evily* Yes, I'm splitting chapter three into parts. Muahaha.

1/?: De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum Dicendum Est
2/?: It's Like Battle, But Harder

"You're up to something," Ianto accused from the doorway of the kitchen.

Jack Harkness turned and gave an absolutely adorable pout. "Now why would you say something so horrible like that?"

"You're cooking," the Welshman replied, crossing his arms. "So you're either trying to blow my kitchen up or burn the complex down. I can't decide which one."

"You set one little dishtowel on fire, and you're labeled for life," the Captain whined. "And I'll have you know that I can too cook."


"Hell-o, I have been in wars, thank you." Jack walked away from the stove, moving to wrap his arms around Ianto's waist. "We all had to do a stint on kitchen duty, like good little soldiers."

"Please don't say you're making, I don't know, beans or something of the like," Ianto deadpanned, grinning at the absolutely wounded look that crossed Jack's face.

"No, you picky Welshman, I'm making spaghetti. Or is pasta not suitable to your delicate palette, Mr. Jones?"

"It'll be hard for you to mess up pasta," Ianto agreed.

"Belay such insults! You'll make the food turn," Jack groused before leaning in to kiss Ianto's laughing mouth.

"Belay," Ianto said with a chuckle. "You've been in the UK far too long."

"Hey, I'm hoping I can be-lay you tonight," Jack said with a leer, groping at the firm rear hiding behind Ianto's slacks.

"Your sauce is about to scorch," Ianto replied evenly, trying hard not to laugh when Jack hurried back to the stove.

"So Captain, what did you do to end up here with the likes of us?" a far-too young soldier asked, looking up a little from peeling the pile of potatoes in front of him.

"Oh, you know, you lot don't like us Yanks," he replied, making the others laugh. It was far too hot inside the tent, sweat soaking through his white undershirt and braces hanging off his trousers to drag along the dirt floor. Oh, he missed the Cardiff rain. "There may have been something said about seducing all the pretty ladies around here."

"Ain't no girls around here, Captain," the young boy sitting across from Jack complained as his comrades laughed.

Jack just winked back at him.

The boy got sent home two weeks later, missing his right leg from the knee down.

He was one of the lucky ones.

Dinner turned out to be rather good, Ianto had to admit. Pasta and salad and garlic bread, with red wine and candles on the table. It was horribly cliche, and terribly romantic.

Oh yes, Jack Harkness was definitely up to something.

Their plates were soaking in the kitchen sink, the two of them sitting at the table, enjoying the wine and the quiet company. Jack broke the silence first. "So have you given any thought to your brilliant idea?"

Ianto blinked a little. "Which one would be we be talking about?" he asked, grinning over his wine glass.

Jack chuckled. "You know, when you asked me to marry you?"

..."I was thinking, when we get home? We could, uh, maybe make this whole necklace thing legal? Well, Earth legal."

"Oh yeah?"

"Strictly for Torchwood, of course."

"Torchwood does like making things official. I'd like that."

A-ha. He'd been right. The Captain was many things, but subtle was not one of them.

Ianto grinned, taking a sip of wine. "That was one of my more brilliant ideas."

"Watch it Jones, your ego's showing."

Ianto laughed a little, setting his glass aside. "I thought we'd just go down and register. I don't want a fuss, we had enough of that at Gwen's wedding." He paused for a moment, letting Jack's laugh wash over him. "I don't even know if you're a legal resident. That might be tricky to work out."

"Yup. Been one since 1899." He grinned at the shocked look on Ianto's face. "It was a condition of my hire at Torchwood. Wouldn't be a good idea to have a non-Brit working for the British Empire and I needed papers. Of course, the records get adjusted every twenty years or so." He gave him a wink. "Something you have to look forward to."

"Oh." Fun. "That makes things a bit easier."

Jack smiled and sat back in his chair. "I saw your parents today," he confessed suddenly, as if he was talking about the weather.

The wine glass paused halfway up to Ianto's mouth. "You did?"

"We had lunch," Jack said, smiling.

"Well, that explains the two hour business meeting." He took a sip of wine, then another. "What did you talk about?"

"Lots of things. Your father's business, your mother's garden." Jack cocked his head to the side, watching Ianto get progressively more and more flustered. "Mostly you."

"How droll."

"Well, I had to do it right, didn't I?" Jack's face split into his mischievous smile. "You're their youngest child, their baby. It's only right I ask their permission to marry you. Even if you did ask me."

Ianto nearly choked on his mouthful of wine and Jack had to bite back the laugh. It was so adorable the way Ianto's family totally set him off his game.


"I asked their permission," Jack repeated. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box. He waggled it at Ianto before setting it on the table and sliding it across the table to his younger lover.

The Welshman cursed his slightly shaking fingers as he reached for the box, opening it. Inside were two plain gold bands.

They were two of the most beautiful things Ianto had seen in his short life.

"I was thinking we'd go down tomorrow and give notice?" Jack suggested. "Then -- barring another apocalypse -- we'd register after the fifteen day wait period."

Ianto nearly upset his wine glass when he leaned over to kiss Jack hard. "One of your brilliant ideas, Jack."

Jack smiled and touched Ianto's cheek. "We just have one problem."

Blue eyes blinked, confusion clouding in their depths. "We do?"

"Yeah. Jones-Harkness or Harkness-Jones. I can't decide."

"We've got fifteen days to figure it out," Ianto laughed, leaning in to kiss Jack again.

The dishes sat in cold, soapy water until morning.

ETA: Chapter three point two here

dwtwprompts, deviations from the norm, torchwood

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