α • what it says on the tin. post mythology-related prompts, receive mythology fic!
β • prompts can be anything. a phrase, a picture, a poem, a song - pairings are optional, but they are fine too!
χ • if you want to specify a pantheon in addition to an open-ended prompt, go ahead.
δ • fills can be as long or short as you like, and just because something's been claimed doesn't mean you can't have a go of it as well.
ε • art, graphics, and fanmixes are nice too! if you specifically want one of those instead of fic, just say so.
η • any mythology derivatives are good as well!
γ • basically anything goes HIT IT!!!
Remember to pimp this out!
http://grabi-hands.livejournal.com/75263.html">http://data.whicdn.com/images/17581307/224514_216246721754194_114681041910763_617069_3717357_n_large.jpg" border=0>