nooooo! not SNOW!

Oct 22, 2009 22:29

it had to happen, sooner of later.... we got something like 6 inches of snow today, with sleet and other unpleasant things    :/

I got to say that when my iPod, on random, started playing a Christmas song, I hit the skip button as fast as I could! seriously? Do. Not. Want.

I had a longer bus ride then usual, as I took it from the house (I usually ( Read more... )

to do, writing, real life

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Comments 29

altyronsmaker October 23 2009, 03:34:02 UTC
A: LOVELY picture of Carson there. Whee!
B: I too have signed on to do sga_santa. Hopefully, the person who gets to write for me likes me. 0_0
C: NaNo! OMG. chelle is insane, over here. LOL.

Whoot whoot.


gottalovev October 24 2009, 19:19:48 UTC
thanks! i have a rotating header (tons of them, in fact) and I HAD to put Carlson because I do love him so :) (well even more like Paul, but that's another story!)

I learned about sga_santa looking around in your LJ, so I fully plan blame it on you if it doesn't work.

kidding! lol! I got my assignment yesterday, I am pretty excited about it. I think it's going to be fun.

see how I picked the mini nano and not the real nano? lol! 250 words a day I probably can... 1600 or such? not so sure! good luck!


fosfomifira October 23 2009, 03:41:46 UTC
You're going to be so very busy, Lou! *hands you over extra coffee*

I can't imagine what it must be like to get the first serious snow of the season. I'm guessing it's not a happy-making moment. It sounds cold and uncomfortable.

I'm trying very hard not to think about the last time I wrote something that I actually finished. It's depressing. I did sign up for mini nano and I do have a couple of projects I'm working on and that I really hope I'll be able to post and finish before 2009 is over. I'm not sure about doing the Lost Christmas exchange - I don't want to fail like I did for the Luau. The timing for all the writing challenges is really bad, though. I hate school :(


gottalovev October 24 2009, 19:23:57 UTC
I will be busy! generally November is good for me with those challenges as incentives. and I feel like writing, so that is nice too :)

usually, the first snow is 1-2 cm, and it's gone the same night or at worst the day after. but 20 cm and not melting? it really sucks. the whole sleet ordeal was not fun, no. *pouts*

you have stuff you could finish! *nudges you towards the crack!au* and sometimes challenges are a good thing for that. I'm sure mini_nano will be good! but you have so much on your mind with school, only you know if you can take another challenge on top. *hugs*


fosfomifira October 25 2009, 04:01:54 UTC
Snow looks very pretty in pictures and movies, but after being snowed in in the mountains with no running water and very little fuel, I'm not as fond of it as I used to. At least I was lucky and I don't have to go through that ever again, unlike you and the sleet ordeal. *hugs you*

Would you believe I'd forgotten about the crack!au? *facepalms* I'd planned on using mini_nano to finish at least one of my GK projects. Maybe, if the boys work with me, I'll be able to finish at least one before nano and then finish the other one and the crack!au during November. I guess I should let hairdresser!Sawyer and Assasin!Sayid have fun. If only fics would edit themselves, Lou.

My final final is on December 23rd. Unless I become the world's fastest writer overnight, I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it. Between school and my apparent inability to write in two fandoms at the same time, I suck :(


ellel October 23 2009, 05:15:03 UTC
SGA John-is-an-adrenaline-junkie fic
I would SO read that!;P

And snow,I am so jealous!


gottalovev October 24 2009, 19:25:50 UTC
hee, that one is a lot of fun in my head (and OMG, I love love love that icon you have right here. *makes grabby hands at john*). I'll probably do it soon.

usually, the first snow is not that much, it was a rough introduction to winter (especially since it doesn't seem to want to melt fast!). I'm sorry you didn't get to see some!


ellel October 27 2009, 08:51:07 UTC
Isn't it gorgeous?The John icon?!:)
Too bad I couldn't find good wallpapers-will have to make us some walls!

Thats OK-I want to believe that one day I will get to return to QC and see your horrible winter,lol!



bachlava October 23 2009, 13:09:24 UTC
I KNOW. I am really unhappy about this turn of events.


gottalovev October 24 2009, 19:26:41 UTC
unhappy is a mild way to put it for me! did you have much where you are? we had over 20 cm and it didn't have the decency to melt yet. *huffs*


elliotsmelliot October 23 2009, 13:13:51 UTC
I am sending snow sympathy. 6 inches before Halloween? That is so unfortunate. Stay warm!


gottalovev October 24 2009, 19:28:32 UTC
I know! usually it's 1 or 2 cm, easing it up for us, but a 20 cm+ snow storm to start with? not cool!

*stays indoor because it didn't melt yet*


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