nooooo! not SNOW!

Oct 22, 2009 22:29

it had to happen, sooner of later.... we got something like 6 inches of snow today, with sleet and other unpleasant things    :/

I got to say that when my iPod, on random, started playing a Christmas song, I hit the skip button as fast as I could! seriously? Do. Not. Want.

I had a longer bus ride then usual, as I took it from the house (I usually take the kids to school first, and park closer to my job to only do the last part in bus).  I spent the time doing last minute work stuff this morning, but writing down a list of think I'm planning to write/do soon on the way home. I haven't written since what, August? apart from 300 words of drabbles, that is.

I'm gearing up on the projects because I'm signed up for mini_nanowrimo (you set your own goal of words daily, with a minimum of 100. I set 250) and also wrisomifu (where you complain on how writing is so haaaaaard and you suck at it!) for the month of November. I've done those the last two years and it's been a lot of fun! try it!

what I'll have to do:
  • signed up on a SGA X-mas exchange. Yes, I am insane, after only one fic in the fandom. Anxious to have my assignment! got it! and it's something I am really excited about, yay!
  • will sign up for the Lost X-mas exchange.
  • eventually doapocabigbang art work - but that's not writing, and not until February that I'll choose
  • update my master fic list, something I haven't done since, oh, last December?

Need to finish:
  • writing up my Vancouver con report. YES, I KNOW IT'S BEEN 2 MONTHS, OKAY?  *shifty eyes*
  • Steve/Jensen sequel that is just this close to done, needs sex scene
  • animal transformation fic, SGA, needs closing scene

  • SGA/ Ironman crossover fic
  • SGA John-is-an-adrenaline-junkie fic
  • SGA death!fic

  • a apocabigbang fic being a crossover of two canon AUs ("Vegas" from SGA and "The End" from SPN). it's so insane. I outlined, I think I could do it. I might, also, have downloaded Vegas and The End for multiple viewings on the iPod.  Please feel free to tell me how I should NOT sign up. ooops, I DID.

*looks up*

huh. seems SGA is on my brain, huh?  *headdesk repetitively*

to do, writing, real life

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