nooooo! not SNOW!

Oct 22, 2009 22:29

it had to happen, sooner of later.... we got something like 6 inches of snow today, with sleet and other unpleasant things    :/

I got to say that when my iPod, on random, started playing a Christmas song, I hit the skip button as fast as I could! seriously? Do. Not. Want.

I had a longer bus ride then usual, as I took it from the house (I usually ( Read more... )

to do, writing, real life

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Comments 29

inthekeyofd October 23 2009, 14:47:15 UTC
snow..oh damn, I feel for you.

SGA is really REALLY easy to write, you should have no worries or issues, everyone in that fandom is so cool, they'll love your Christmas present.

And Christmas...seriously, I'm not thinking about christmas for at least 2 weeks.


gottalovev October 24 2009, 19:30:33 UTC
way too much snow, too! yuck!

my only experience writing it went really well and the reaction was extremely positive... and I did get my assignment and I think I can pull it off, so yay :)

no, no, no. I do not want to think about Christmas either! shoo!


keyweegirlie October 23 2009, 15:14:51 UTC
It's already snowing? Wow, you poor thing.

writing up my Vancouver con report. YES, I KNOW IT'S BEEN 2 MONTHS, OKAY? *shifty eyes*

Hee! Could I possibly get your 'notes' from you so I can write up my report? I thought I'd ask you for them before but I must not have...

Steve/Jensen sequel that is just this close to done, needs sex scene




gottalovev October 24 2009, 19:34:23 UTC
CASSIE! there you are! I did think that if the prospect of Jensen/Steve didn't make you appear to comment, I'd email you or something. LOL! (it worked, hi! yes I plan finishing it! =D ) you've been awfully quiet!

the notes? well what I had as notes are slowly being transformed in my con report, but sure, I'll share with you. I think they are in google doc, so I'll make them send you a link. you asked for them before? gah, i am sorry, I probably missed it, since my notification has been hit and miss lately... sorry about that. I'll do that in a couple of minutes!

*hugs tight*


janie_tangerine October 23 2009, 15:25:27 UTC
Ha, you're busy!! I'm totally signing up for the Lost exchange too and actually, the apocabigbang fic idea sounds so cool! I never watched SGA but merging two canon apocalypses is a pretty neat idea. And argh, no snow here but the weather sucks anyway. :/


gottalovev October 24 2009, 19:39:05 UTC
well I PLAN in getting busy! lol! lots of bunnies and for once I do have the will to write. should be fun.

I don't write much Lost when not prompted, so the exchange is always a good excuse. and I caved and did sign for the apocabigbang... it was too shiny of an idea to pass.

the canon AU of SGA I will use is not apocalyptic, but Shep in it is even more fucked up than he usually is, so he'll make an interesting player. AND a pretty cool POV character to witness the bleak apocalypse world of 'The End', and half way gone Dean.

PLUS, the paring will be very pretty *points to the man in question in icon*

weather sucks at your place too? boo! the damn snow didn't melt yet, I protest.


valhalla37 October 23 2009, 16:54:17 UTC
Eeek, you got snow?! I'm actually surprised we didn't, though it was so cold here yesterday the rain felt slushy -- we're probably next!

And wow, that's quite a list! You're going to be busy, eh? ;P I'm getting more and more excited hearing about the Lost fic exchange -- obviously I wasn't around for it last year, but seeing stuff at thequillstation and on different people's journals has it sounding like something really cool!


gottalovev October 24 2009, 19:41:36 UTC
we got way too much snow! and it doesn't seem to want to go, although it's raining right now, so there is hope it will *cross fingers*

I do have quite a list... if any of it is going to get finished, that's another ball game! lol! well, i am usually good with deadlines, so I hope so.

the lost fic exchange is always fun, you should give it a try!


jaydblu October 23 2009, 17:34:17 UTC
Whoa! That's a lot of snow!

That's just not right. :|


gottalovev October 24 2009, 19:42:17 UTC
I agree! the first snow is supposed to be half an inch at most and melt right away! I protest!


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