I got love for you if you were born in the 80's, the 80's

Sep 28, 2010 11:26

From spongelemon. Comment me and this is what I'll tell you:

01) Something I'll learn about you by looking at your LJ page for 13 seconds.
02) Which color you remind me of.
03) My first memory of you.
04) What random character I associate with you.
05) Ask you something random.
06) My favorite thing about you.
07) What fandom I associate with you.
08) What's the last ( Read more... )

meme, music

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Comments 9

spongelemon September 28 2010, 04:10:47 UTC
Me? :)


goonight September 30 2010, 06:27:36 UTC
01) You have a love for soft colours and animals.
02) yellow
03) as a fellow TFL staff who loves Christian Bale
04) Rachel on Friends
05) Can you tell me about all of your current pets?
06) You're one of the sweetest people I know, actually, you're the sweetest. You are also strong and understanding.
07) Batman, definitely.
08) Stars - Your Ex-lover is Dead
09) You already did and challenged me back. ;)


spongelemon September 30 2010, 09:59:38 UTC
05) Oh lord, start me talking about my pets and I could use up ten pages. XD I have three cats: Braska, Ella, and Toby (pictures that I can come up with in a flash are here). Braska and Ella are brother and sister and will be 7 years old in March. Their back story: I was working for CARE when I fostered Jenny who had five one week old kittens of her own and two one week old orphaned kittens (Braska and Ella). Apparently some lady found Braska and Ella abandoned along with two other kittens that had sadly already passed away. She took B&E to Gail who in turn rubbed them against Jenny's kittens (to pick up their scent) and then introduced them to Jenny and she took them in as her own. Of course after fostering them since they were babies (and watching them grow up) I grew so attached that I had to adopt them myself ( ... )


goonight September 30 2010, 10:59:07 UTC
Aw, I love your cats! So cute. It's sad that people would be so cruel and abandon these animals. I'm glad you adopted Braska and Ella (and Toby) that they are in good hands. :) I'd love to have a cat some day, are they expensive and difficult to keep?

You're welcome. :) *hugs*


andnonsense September 28 2010, 08:05:19 UTC
Me? As it would actually give me something to post XD


goonight September 30 2010, 06:34:43 UTC
Well, you'd better post so that we know you're alive. XD

01) Crazy Lost lover right there! And I didn't notice this before, but you love icons with quotes. XD
02) Blue
03) ufolanding.com and not knowing your real name was Sophie, my first memory of you, it is old.
04) Bernard Black, I think you prefer Manny? But you're more Bernard to me. ;D
05) Do you plan on staying in Leicester in the long term?
06) You're so funny, not in a laughing-at-you way, but in a I-love-your-clever-jokes way.
07) LOST, any new fandom you want to get into? ;)
08) Travis - Good Feeling
09) Oh lady, you need to do this.


andnonsense October 4 2010, 21:18:09 UTC
Yeah, I went under an alias back then. Ahhh the good old days XD

Really? Bernard? XD That's fantastic. I'd never let anyone buy my books dammit.

I really really really do not know if I will stay in Leicester. I am not one for planning ahead really XD I dream, but never plan XD

I am going to watch Community if I remember! That and the Inbetweeners

I will, I am right now XD


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