worst fear realized

Dec 06, 2007 09:05

1. You know you've been sucked into your fathers flashlight obsession when you're scrolling through Amazon and have a difficult time finding one you don't recognize as being in your home.


This is why he ends up with iTunes giftcards every year.

2. How is my roommate not failing school? She was out until 4am last night, and is having ( Read more... )

father, roommate, school

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Comments 5

windreader December 6 2007, 22:49:45 UTC
Larouche, Larouche, you're all the fun
Just close your eyes to turn off the sun,
If you happen to be having a hard ass day
Denial be your savior, lying all the way!


steel_dog December 7 2007, 06:01:30 UTC
kakakarine - you are excellent. This post made me laugh really hard. Especially the first bit. *headdesk* especially - I can just see you now...

But I will see you for reals in NOT VERY LONG!!


goodtoast December 7 2007, 08:28:16 UTC
Ha ha ha. I'm glad I could amuse you, as it is one of my main goals in life.

The sad part is that I actually did *headdesk* Or, rather I *headcomputer* as I was sitting on my bed.



So, here's a question. sarijw December 9 2007, 18:42:45 UTC
My dad is next to impossible to get anything for, for Christmas. Anything he wants (say, a band saw, or a lathe) is way, WAY out of my price range. But we were at Wal-mart a few weeks ago and he saw this MONSTER "I can light up your path from here to the moon" type flashlight and went "ooh." I assume then, by the first part of your post, that this is an acceptable Christmas gift for him?

Since you are now my authority on all things flashlight. XD


Re: So, here's a question. goodtoast December 9 2007, 18:48:23 UTC
Oh YES. We got my dad one of those last year and he had the BEST time shining it to our neighbors two miles away. It hasn't gotten much real use, but it's a lot of fun for dad's to play with : D


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