worst fear realized

Dec 06, 2007 09:05

1. You know you've been sucked into your fathers flashlight obsession when you're scrolling through Amazon and have a difficult time finding one you don't recognize as being in your home.


This is why he ends up with iTunes giftcards every year.

2. How is my roommate not failing school? She was out until 4am last night, and is having friends over this weekend. Has she not heard of this thing called finals? And you'd think she might have some slight idea of what my class schedule was like, now that the quarter is over, and that she would avoid hooking up with the boy next door, when I'm going to walk in the room. Ew.

3. We got a real treat in Norwegian class yesterday! New pamphlets from The LaRouche Crazies! My favorite! Spoiler Alert!

According to them, Facebook was the cause of Amanda Knox (UW student) killing in Italy (and you know, not her having many, many other issues). Wikipedia is the actual phsysical spawn of Satan (who knew, right?), and they still don't know how they're going to get their "Worldwide Highway" across the oceans.

father, roommate, school

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