The Darjeeling Limited And Other Important Things.

Nov 06, 2007 22:30

I saw The Darjeeling Limited tonight by myself--I'm not sure if I liked the film, or not. It was...well, maybe I wasn't in the right mind for it. To say it was dark would be like saying Hitler wasn't the nicest person. Just, sheesh. There should be warnings for these kind of films ( Read more... )

movies, summer, languages, school, wes anderson, norway

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Comments 6

timeismyvessel November 7 2007, 15:15:35 UTC

as I reflect back on the film I admit it was a bit different from his usual stage-play... and way more real than zissou and such but I don't know, I kind of liked the extension into the real world. and the whole blue train, getting lost and whatnot, was still very surreal. i especially liked the part where he panned through the compartments <3 wes' direction (I would totally buy a slow motion DVD also)
the characters were really real, and sometimes I can't say that about his other films just because he makes such big ensemble casts. I liked that there was just a tease of his regulars, rather than giving them excessive (and sometimes unecessary) parts.
and oh man Adrian brody- I was unsure how he would be in the film... but I loved him.

Norway! *jealous*


goodtoast November 8 2007, 05:36:05 UTC
I loved the blue train, and that whole scrolling scene. I would have had wayyy too much fun jumping around that set. These characters were so real, and it was just awwww, so much love. They still had their weird quirkiness, but seriously I could have run into any one of those brothers and thought them a little odd and messed up, but no more than any of my other friends, family or acquaintances. Hm. I've really got to see this again.


redatdawn November 7 2007, 19:52:35 UTC
I didn't think it was so dark. In fact, I thought it was lighter than The Royal Tenenbaums or The Life Aquatic, but I think the friends I saw it with would have agreed with you. *is puzzled*


goodtoast November 8 2007, 05:30:50 UTC
I think it had a lot to do with my particular mood yesterday evening. But, I also don't think The Royal Tenenbaums or The Life Aquatic are that I guess this means I'll have to have a re-watch some night. Soooo tedious : P


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goodtoast November 8 2007, 06:55:41 UTC
Gah. That whole "travel is ridiculously expensive" gets me every time. Stupid exchange rates D:


sarijw November 14 2007, 17:01:40 UTC
I kind of wanted to see it, but the more I read about it, the more...disinterested I get, I guess. Not like...disliking, but less anxious is the way to put it, I guess.

Also, I am up for a vacation. Who's paying? :D


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