For any who care, I have created a new LJ, thegfiles, in which I will put Deep Thoughts. This LJ will remain for random wibblings about my life, crappy quizzes and misleading memes.
So, for those who don't know, I'm currently working as a security guard. Mostly, I drive a car with a blinky light on top and a company logo on the side around Wal-Mart parking lots all night. Last night was semi-eventful so here's a few ACTUAL ENTRIES from my log of it to illustrate the most interesting of these events:
So, I was playing Civilization IV earlier today when I came across an interesting occurrence. Just as the Great Prophet Saint Patrick was born in my capital of Athens, I get this display (click for full screen):
So, I had a random dream and, in the great and ancient tradition of this LiveJournal, I decided to post it here for the enjoyment and betterment of all mankind, etc.