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going_boldly March 2 2010, 15:25:04 UTC
Ah, sorry. My French is pretty much non-existent. I'll go fix that.


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going_boldly March 2 2010, 15:21:02 UTC

This is what I get for not checking to make sure the copy+paste went off right before logging off. Let me make the text normal colored, and fix the French.

(I'm glad you liked it anyway.)


letmecrywolf March 2 2010, 19:22:14 UTC
While I fully support the French being corrected (although I think it already was) I do not think you should quail in the face of such egotistical criticism. Pretentiousness is an entirely relative term and not one that can be doled out by a single person. Also, there are no solid rules for titles or themes or a lot of creative writing in general. It's all a matter of taste, and oftentimes the "rules" are convention more than anything else.

Don't let anyone push you around.


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syredronning March 2 2010, 19:06:55 UTC
I agree, very clever concept and quite believable. Thanks!


greek_jester March 2 2010, 21:02:50 UTC
You tagged correctly. That was very creepy. It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up *shivers*

Really interesting idea, well executed.


blcwriter March 2 2010, 22:42:31 UTC
Very interesting-- I'd really love if you teased this out a few hundred words more.


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