TV, underdraws, and dessert. What more could a post need?

May 27, 2009 19:38

Mental is revolting and cannot get canceled quickly enough to suit me.  Mental illness is there to provide a colorful canvas onto which the doctor can display his unorthodox genius.  It's wacky, it's zany, it's madcap fun.  If only every patient could be lucky enough to have just 72 hours with our hero, then they too could be cured.    After all, schizophrenia meds take away everything that makes you human, you know.  EVERYTHING THAT MAKES YOU HUMAN.

Glee, on the other hand, has me right in its little pocket.  And the whole time I was thinking, "Huh.  I'm watching Election, right?  That movie?  Election?"  And it wasn't just me.  Also "glee" + "election" is one of those things that's hard to meaningfully google.

I have recently acquired what are probably the best underwear I have had in thirty years.  They fit like underoos.  I am a superhero.  HERE SHE COMES TO SAVE THE DAY.

Yo dawg, I heard you like cakes...

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food, fandom: glee, tv, rl, canon reaction & review

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