Feb 04, 2015 08:45

Hello! This past episode was rife with unexplored possibility. Not only is there mention of being snowed in as kids, but there is deaging and Dean telling Sam about his dick and Sam driving and NEED I GO ON. The time for comment-fic is now.


http://glovered.livejournal.com/148177.html">http://i.imgur.com/I32jd4R.png" border="0">

(you know how this works)

1. Prompts should probably in some way have to do with episode 10x12 as per the theme of this comment fic meme.

3. Use any and all characters you want! (RPF welcome)

4. Art is also welcome, of course

5. Pimp!

6. Prompt with abandon and fill things, too!

Dean refused to go with Sam on the case, he just didn't trust himself out there with the Mark humming in his blood all the time. So it's Sam who gets de-aged, not Dean. What happens when Dean turns up to help Sam rescue the girl? by citrusjava

"I have zero control over this. I mean, it’s up, it’s down, it’s up for no reason.” I can think of a reason, Dean. I've seen the way you look at Sam. by milly-gal

Dean actually liked "Shake It Off" before the whole de-aging thing but pounced on the teenification as the perfect excuse to not having to hide it anymore by the-rant-girl

PS I totally snickered when Sam said, "I'll take the win."

comment fic meme, spn

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