Meme's the word

Jan 31, 2015 16:57

Jumping on the bandwagon and filling out this personal info meme. Tag, you're it!

1. How old will you be in 3 birthdays?
32! Although I would like to point out for my own what-have-i-done-with-my-life insecurities, I only juuuuust turned 29.

2. Do you think you'll be married by then?
Nope! Although same-sex marriage is now legal in California. I remember how there were only five states a few years ago, and now it's exploded / conservative groups are too lazy to fight it.

3. What do you look forward to most in the next 2 months?
I look forward to having a sort-of income and also lying down. Also SPN! And good sandwiches and playing more of the South Park video game that is absolutely great.

4. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
Bare feet in the house, socks in bed, and flip flops all other times.

5. When was the last time you cried?
Idk. I do a lot of solo sad sort-of crying when I'm frustrated, but not in public for a long time.

6. What was the last thing you drank?
Green ice tea from my favorite coffee shop!

7. Favorite ice cream?
I've actually been making ice cream lately. I KNOW. SO GREAT. I borrowed my friend's ice cream maker and have thusfar made: three types of almond milk ice cream that were nearly rock solid, three types of coconut milk ice cream which were pretty successful, and a couple dairy ice creams which were great. I've been melting down my haul of Christmas chocolate and drizzling it in at the last minute when I'm about to turn off the machine. Have made very boozy ice cream - do recommend!

8. What is your favorite number?

9. What's your favorite color?
yellow or pink

10. What jelly do you put on your PB&J?
Grape jelly if I ever eat pb&j. Or strawberry?

11. What location(s) is/are on your bucket travel list?
I'd really like to travel around the middle of the US and the middle of Canada. I've also always wanted to go to Central America.

12. How many glasses of water a day do you drink on average?
Not enough. Three probs.

13. What do you drink in the morning?
Coffee and water.

14. Would you rather kiss someone with or without tongue?

15. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?
Wherever I fall. After which I sadly roll to another side if asked.

16. Do you know how to play poker?
I've learned many types of poker and never remember.

17. What's so good about Fridays?
Now that I'm employed, the weekennnnd!

18. Any plans for this weekend?
Pub crawl tonight and Superbowl party tomorrow. Although I feel kind of sick so I think I'm going to call it an early night.

19. Do you eat out or at home more often?
I love cooking soooo much. I also really love eating out, but I'm so broke I always feel guilt when I do.

20. How big is your TV?
Don't have a TV, but my computer screen is like 13 inches or something.

21. Ever stolen a street sign?
A pedestrian sign in French once. I was drunk?

22. Do you keep a piggy bank?
Yees and I don't know how to open it. It's a souvenir metal one my aunt gave me, and I've jokingly dropped a lot of change in it over the years. Now I want it all back?

23. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

24. Have you ever been in an ambulance?
Yes, when getting CPR certified for the first time, I think we had a health day where we toured an ambulence etc

25. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool?
Pool, especially when I have all day to just hang out.

26. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?

27. Do you know how to drive a stick shift?
Yep! I just learned this summer with a lot of screaming and stalling the car, and it has been endlessly useful.

28. What is your favorite thing to spend money on?
Food, ill-advised travel, ill-advised alcohol consumption (drinks are so expensive!)

29. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7?
I have a cartilage and tragus piercing I never take out, and wear other earrings sometimes.

30. Do you speak any other language?
French passibly well (although I understand a lot more) and I can read a lot of Spanish. I've taken other language classes and am very embarrassed I don't remember that much.

31. Can you roll your tongue?

32. Last person you lay in bed with?
My girlfran.

33. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I have a bear I use as a neck pillow while watching things.

34. Do you still have clothes from when you were little?

35. What is the color of your bedroom wall?
White. FOR NOW.

36. Do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth?

37. Do you currently hate someone?
I dislike some people very worthy of dislike.

38. Do you currently have a crush on someone?

39. What are you listening to?
Bird chirping and afternoon street sounds.

is this real life

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