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Comments 52

hyperactivator March 7 2007, 16:31:04 UTC
So dirty.

I love it!


glossing March 7 2007, 16:38:46 UTC
Ahaha! Thanks so much.


katarik March 7 2007, 16:56:29 UTC
Lois, of course, is made of win and awesome. Mmmmmmmm, Lois.

I... kinda want to snicker at Bruce and give him a hug. And then pinch his butt. I'm not sure why.

Ginger ale, Clark? Heh. Good taste in soda.

Red and yellow and green was just MEAN, MATCHES.

Perhaps Matches has tugged Clark's chair out, but there's suddenly *room*, his lap is exposed, then filled by this very nice, very muscular young man.

His blue V-neck shirt, the collar edged with gold, plunges much farther down his chest than most men's garment do.

THAT IS MEAN TOO. *sputters*

*also ogles*

(And did you mean garment, or garments?)


He could lift Matches by the scruff of the neck, fly him halfway around the world. Show him -- everything, everything outside of Gotham. Sierra Leone, where every boy is a good soldier for some warlord or another; Kerala, where filth is not decorative, not the subject of fashion spreads and perfume ads, but ground into the pores of young and old, deadening the soul and body; Tehran, where a man dancing atop another is ( ... )


katarik March 7 2007, 16:56:49 UTC

Mmmmm, Matches coming on Clark's face. HELLO.

And of *course* Matches would call Clark sweetness, and babycakes, and baby boy. *flails at you gleefully*

And yay for the Lois mention, too. *eyes Lois, beaming*


The man who is kissing him, sliding down to meet him and licking his mouth open, cannot be Bruce, any more than this whimpering, twitching mess is the last son of Krypton. Bruce never goes near when he can veer, Kal-El never has to beg for anything.

"Cuddly little thing, ain't ya?" Matches brushes back Clark's hair and hums a tune from the stripclub. "Just close those baby blues."

Gotham is a city of masks, but not all of them are visible.

*gibbers at you*


"Kryptonite --"

"-- is nowhere in your system." Robin touches Clark's arm with his gloved hand. His smile sharpens to steel. "But that can be our little secret."


This entire story is an exercise in How Coherent Can Kat Be When Gloss Is Stomping On Her Id?



glossing March 7 2007, 19:41:01 UTC
Clark didn't mean to break the rules! I think.

Robin saves the day. It's his damn *job*. Especially when the day is night and the world needs saving from Batman.

This entire story is an exercise in How Coherent Can Kat Be When Gloss Is Stomping On Her Id?
*splutters* It's your fault for giving me the prompt in the first place. Totally and completely on you.

Thank you so much.


glossing March 7 2007, 19:39:15 UTC
I'm still so relieved that this Lois worked for you.

I... kinda want to snicker at Bruce and give him a hug. And then pinch his butt.
Possibly because he is an incredible bitch? Just a thought.

Red and yellow and green was just MEAN, MATCHES.

This is one of those bits.
Bless! That bit pulled everything together for me and lifted this from Tease Clark Til He Cries Kryptonian Tears into something that worked.

it's so *Matches* with Bruce just behind, and also hot like FIRE.
*So* glad that Bruce came through for you there. I'm never quite going to get the hang of straight-on identity porn, but I kind of like the warped version I've settled for.


solvent90 March 7 2007, 17:25:17 UTC
I - this - I - *flails, starts again* Right, so I was just going to check my f-list and not read any stories today - I meant to bookmark them all and keep them to be a reward for finishing my reading. And then I saw you'd posted a story, and then I saw THE PAIRING, and okay, I fail at willpower. This, oh. You've rewritten Clark for me. (And Bruce, but Clark). And now I'm all BRUCE/CLARK OTP (in the hurty-epic sense, not the happy boyfriends sense), which is - new. But this makes it all so twisty and painful and inevitable-feeling between them that I honestly believe in it. In all sorts of ways - I'm all flaily over the identities here. Poor Clark Kent, having to deal with Batman and with Matches but not being allowed to get anywhere near Bruce, even though he's straining so hard. (I'm horrified by the inflexibility of Bruce's identities here, but not surprised).

And. Mm. Gotham, the way Batman and Matches both are Gotham in this, as well as the little nods to Nightwing, and Robin at the end - and how that relates to what Clark needs ( ... )


glossing March 7 2007, 22:24:59 UTC
I don't even know how to begin to reply to this? So bear with me and please know just how bowled over I am.

You've rewritten Clark for me. (And Bruce, but Clark).
I - WOW? Wow. I fear writing Clark, even though (because?) I love him so much, and this became an exercise in what my beta identified as a balance between Clark's straightforwardness and the fic itself being an analysis of him. (Like, it can be easier at times for me to write Tim, because he analyzes the way other people breathe, but Clark's more direct than that. I think.)

And now I'm all BRUCE/CLARK OTP (in the hurty-epic sense, not the happy boyfriends sense), which is - new.
Me, too. That really took me by surprise, as now I have to add Clark to the whole stable of Bruce-ships that will never work yet fascinate me. *sigh*

what Clark needsI like "humanity", too? But I think Clark has a really specific meaning for the word, much more specific than the general one. Acceptance, too, he needs that. *hands* It's what he has with Lois, but generalized, I think, out to all ( ... )


violetfishy March 7 2007, 17:29:13 UTC
Man, I loved the start of this *so* much! The dialogue between Lois and Clark was really sharp and let you know nearly everything bout their relationship and who they are in a few short sentances. It made me smile, to see them verbally dance with one another :)
This -
Metropolis, from his first day there, opened like an especially thick and beautiful book, an encyclopedia, a catalog of all that is right and optimistic.- is a brilliantly insightful description of Metropolis ( ... )


glossing March 7 2007, 22:28:34 UTC
I am dead on the floor and kind of rolling around hugging myself with glee at your feedback -- thank you so much!

I had so much *insane* fun writing Matches, because that shit-eating grin wouldn't leave me alone, and then I kept breaking my heart *and* my embarrassment squick writing Clark's reactions, and I can't tell you how relieved I am that it made sense on the page.

Plus, porn! Yes. Many of my buttons are right there on the ground with Clark, too.

Thank you!


cmshaw March 7 2007, 17:32:06 UTC




glossing March 7 2007, 19:32:56 UTC
*twirls you dizzily*

And thank you for the rec. <333


cmshaw March 7 2007, 20:29:53 UTC
dizzy is a very good description of me right now. the scale here -- the international vs urban, the accent and the dick-face-slapping and clark rubbing against the earth--! *goes flail-y again and twirls around you*


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