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violetfishy March 7 2007, 17:29:13 UTC
Man, I loved the start of this *so* much! The dialogue between Lois and Clark was really sharp and let you know nearly everything bout their relationship and who they are in a few short sentances. It made me smile, to see them verbally dance with one another :)
This -
Metropolis, from his first day there, opened like an especially thick and beautiful book, an encyclopedia, a catalog of all that is right and optimistic.
- is a brilliantly insightful description of Metropolis!
I also really loved the dialogue between Bruce and Clark...and seeing Batman through Clark's eyes. It worked really well, with jsut the right amount of snark at the end. Clark's innate good humour really came through and I loved how even the man of steel is a little unnerved by Batman.

And, okay, Matches. Man, when I read this pairing in the header I had no idea how you were gonna pull it off, but oh, it was so good! And so...twisted, really!
I'm going back to dialogue again, but man, you have SUCH a way of writing voices that I can hear them in my head. I loved Matches speech pattern and all the little words like "Boyo" - I can just see him standing there, dressed so garishly ith a big, shit-eating grin on his face!
And I really liked how the smut felt inevitable, yet I still felt unsure as to what Clark was gonna do...oh, but you hit some of my "hot" buttons with Clark on his knees and Matches coming on his face...man, you write hot smut!

But the little bit you tagged on the end with Robin -
"Kryptonite --"

"-- is nowhere in your system." Robin touches Clark's arm with his gloved hand. His smile sharpens to steel. "But that can be our little secret."
- just...eeee! O_O (and that is all I can muster about that right now...a high pitched noise)

Thank you for writing us all another wonderul fic, Gloss!


glossing March 7 2007, 22:28:34 UTC
I am dead on the floor and kind of rolling around hugging myself with glee at your feedback -- thank you so much!

I had so much *insane* fun writing Matches, because that shit-eating grin wouldn't leave me alone, and then I kept breaking my heart *and* my embarrassment squick writing Clark's reactions, and I can't tell you how relieved I am that it made sense on the page.

Plus, porn! Yes. Many of my buttons are right there on the ground with Clark, too.

Thank you!


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