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glossing March 7 2007, 22:24:59 UTC
I don't even know how to begin to reply to this? So bear with me and please know just how bowled over I am.

You've rewritten Clark for me. (And Bruce, but Clark).
I - WOW? Wow. I fear writing Clark, even though (because?) I love him so much, and this became an exercise in what my beta identified as a balance between Clark's straightforwardness and the fic itself being an analysis of him. (Like, it can be easier at times for me to write Tim, because he analyzes the way other people breathe, but Clark's more direct than that. I think.)

And now I'm all BRUCE/CLARK OTP (in the hurty-epic sense, not the happy boyfriends sense), which is - new.
Me, too. That really took me by surprise, as now I have to add Clark to the whole stable of Bruce-ships that will never work yet fascinate me. *sigh*

what Clark needs
I like "humanity", too? But I think Clark has a really specific meaning for the word, much more specific than the general one. Acceptance, too, he needs that. *hands* It's what he has with Lois, but generalized, I think, out to all six billion people on the planet almost?

all that wild freedom he has, all the things he can do/be, reined in
I just wanted to quote this because I have a crush on your way with words.

Thank you so much. This is definitely some of the best feedback I've ever been lucky enough to receive.


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