[fic] The very thought of you (Kal/Kon, Clark/Lois, adult)

Aug 14, 2006 13:38

Title: The very thought of you
Series: Sentimental Education (#3)
Pairings: Kal-El/Kon-El, Clark/Lois
Rating: Adult
Summary: Clark's forgetting to do the little ordinary things that everyone ought to do.
Disclaimer: Siegel & Shuster, Kesel & Grummett. DC, WB, et al., not I.
Notes: Title & summary from Ray Noble. petronelle audienced and cheered when it was ( Read more... )

het, sentimental education, fic - comics, lois lane, kon-el, superman, boyslash

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glossing August 15 2006, 13:53:54 UTC
Yay! *dances you*


caiusmajor August 14 2006, 20:06:25 UTC
I really LOVE this. Especially your Lois--just WOW.


glossing August 15 2006, 13:55:34 UTC
I'm so glad to hear this; I *adore* Lois and writing her was both frustrating and joyful. Thanks!


petronelle August 14 2006, 21:27:01 UTC
You own important bits of my heart. They're labelled "Glossing's Clark" and "Glossing's Lois."

Also a bit of the id, labelled "Glossing's Kal."


glossing August 15 2006, 13:57:59 UTC
I will cherish and pet those bits of heart and id, don't you worry. Well, probably *stroke* and lick and worship the Kal part, but that's just par for the course.

Thank you so much for your patience and help on this and things in general. *heart*


Ye GODS. rubynye August 14 2006, 22:38:18 UTC
Um. I had to read this twice, fanning myself betimes. Whoa. Wow. Whoa.

First off, I love what you do with the balance between Clark and Kal.

There are grottoes, darker than any Gotham alleyway, within Clark, depthless chasms that rustle and stir at that name, alive with shadowy things that Clark Kent could never name.

Oooohgh. Just... he *is* Clark Kent, but that's not all he is. I love what you say here about that.

The words come without thinking. Take you now, and feast well. Old Kryptonese knows only the imperative voice when addressing minors,animals, and slaves.

The linguistic note here made my toes curl.

staring down at him through fire.

Oh God. Terror and arousal in the same heartbeat. Kal our Alien Overlord looking out of mild-mannered Clark Kent's eyes.

I should quote more of the glory that is Lois, but I couldn't even pull out a segment; all I could do is wave my arms and squeak in joy.

In her absence, he visits the *other* genius in his life.

*Bwee* There's just... a whole essay of meta in that line.

Clark is ( ... )


...and little fishes? glossing August 15 2006, 14:10:37 UTC
I don't know how to say thank you in a way that'll adequately convey my gratitude. Thank you just isn't enough.

the balance between Clark and Kal
Oh, yay! I get nervous about the identity spectrum, because on one end, there's identity porn, which is fun and freaksome, but on the other end, there's the fallacy that personae really are utterly separate. Clark's endlessly fascinating to me, because I really do believe he's all three figures, but *Clark* is the root and the trunk.

The linguistic note here made my toes curl.
I need/want to do so much more with Kryptonian language stuff (with Tim and Kryptonese/-ian, actually). But a taste, I figured, would not go awry. *g*

I can't remember the last time I read such deliciously described cunnilingus. He's so worshipful, in a wonderful, chilling counterpart/flipside to Kon on his knees before.*dances!* See, it was the sex-with-Lois where I kept stopping and getting nervous, so I'm *terribly* glad to hear that this worked for you ( ... )


violetfishy August 14 2006, 23:39:52 UTC

Gloss, this is simply amazing. Firstly, I could literally see Kon you wrote him so well...his every movement from punching the air in his apartment to slumping in his chair to leaping three feet in the air in his naive excitment. Secondly, your switch from Clark to Kal was...oh, it happened so easily and so seamlessly and was just absolutely fucking perfect.
And Lois! I love how you wrote Lois and she was everything that she should be.

If this wonderful characterisation weren't enough you throw lines like this -

his free hand pinching a nipple like a gardener touching rose-buds

- at me. And they conjour up such images and they make me want to read this all over again.

Just. Wow. Seriously impressive and seriously hot. This fic owns me.


glossing August 15 2006, 14:14:35 UTC
*loves on you* Thank you so much.

I could literally see Kon you wrote him so well.
Coming from an artist like you, that's a *fantastic* compliment. Wow.

your switch from Clark to Kal
Oh, *phew*! It had to be something between a smooth shift and a jolt, and I worried over it.

God, I love her *so much*. Yay!

I'm so glad you enjoyed. Thank you!


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