[fic] The very thought of you (Kal/Kon, Clark/Lois, adult)

Aug 14, 2006 13:38

Title: The very thought of you
Series: Sentimental Education (#3)
Pairings: Kal-El/Kon-El, Clark/Lois
Rating: Adult
Summary: Clark's forgetting to do the little ordinary things that everyone ought to do.
Disclaimer: Siegel & Shuster, Kesel & Grummett. DC, WB, et al., not I.
Notes: Title & summary from Ray Noble. petronelle audienced and cheered when it was ( Read more... )

het, sentimental education, fic - comics, lois lane, kon-el, superman, boyslash

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Comments 20

chevauchee August 14 2006, 23:43:50 UTC
Man, there's so much I love about this that I don't even know where to start. The difference in Kal thinking vs. Clark thinking is so clear but it's not anvilicious. Kon, omg, little boy, why didn't Cadmus program you to run AWAY from crazy people who want to have sex with you? And Lois, oh, she's exactly the Lois in my head, sharp and smart and in absolutely in love with Clark without being subsumed by it.


glossing August 15 2006, 14:18:41 UTC
First of all -- *happy birthday*. I hope you had a great one and the next year's full of health and joy for you.

And thank you, *very* much, for the feedback. I'm particularly glad that the shifts between Clark and Kal weren't clunky and that Lois (*hearts!*) worked, because she deserves all the fic in the *world*.

Kon, omg, little boy, why didn't Cadmus program you to run AWAY from crazy people who want to have sex with you?
*dies* Because he's hungry for approval and most of his brains are below his waist? *pets him*


chevauchee August 16 2006, 02:26:03 UTC
Thank you!

I love, worship and fear your Lois. Which is only as it should be, right?

Only most of his brains? *g*


(The comment has been removed)

glossing August 15 2006, 14:20:27 UTC
Yay! Thank you, lovey!

I love your Lois!! She's so marvellously alive. I think I get - for the first time - why Clark loves her.
That's just about the best feedback I could ever dream of. Because he does love her, body and soul, and she *rocks*, she really does.



thete1 August 20 2006, 23:57:04 UTC

Um. Which is to say that this whole friggin' thing was awesome -- I was thinking of your *other* Clark/Kon stories when I read and fb'ed the Bart/Tim, but wow, this just -- same button, WELL MASHED INDEED -- and LOIS. GOLDEN GODDESS THAT IS LOIS.

And KON. And -- KON.

And oh what you did with the NAAAAMES. Blessed identity porn. Yes, yes, all wonderful fabulous GUH, but I have ISSUES. I MEAN NEEDS. I MEAN -- er. I have an ID. HI.


glossing August 31 2006, 19:57:50 UTC
I am! Um, in the Clark/Tim thingie I'm writing. I might have found Buber's I & Thou surprisingly homoerotic and translated it to Krypton. Maybe. Yes.

I am so GLAD that Lois worked. She scares the pants off me. In the best possible way, yes-mommy, kind of way.

Your issues and needs are at the forefront of my mind, just so you know. All these little bits of Kryptonese and Kon doing interviews with Teen People and Bruce questioning Tim's trips to Metropolis and an opening line like It would appear that the most apt word for what's happening is that Tim is, in fact, dating Superman. AND CLARK HAS DINNER WITH JACK AND DANA OW.

It's all your fault. I am alight with gratitude. :D


thete1 August 31 2006, 23:11:09 UTC
*eyes that icon*

*tries to decide if she's brave enough wrt to scarifying new canon to ask where it's from and if she can seeeee eeeeet*

Just. God. *STARE*

Anyway, yes, hi!

I am! Um, in the Clark/Tim thingie I'm writing. I might have found Buber's I & Thou surprisingly homoerotic and translated it to Krypton. Maybe. Yes.

Yes, I totally just googled for a synopsis of that, and -- YES. YES. Like, I've got TWO freaking bunnies in the HOPPER here where I was going *with*... pretty much those theses. *ahahahhaa* I am a 'shipper! Only not really!


... except when it totally is, and especially when you throw Dick in the mix. *ahaha*

Your issues and needs are at the forefront of my mind, just so you know. All these little bits of Kryptonese and Kon doing interviews with Teen People and Bruce questioning Tim's trips to Metropolis and an opening line like It would appear that the most apt word for what's happening is that Tim is, in fact, dating ( ... )


eggblue August 21 2006, 17:09:57 UTC
KAL!!!!!! Wow, I love this series too too much. Your Kon voice is awesome, and your Kon is kind of blindly hurty in a way that only Supers can be. And watching Kal come out to play is just a BLAST. Seriously hot too, like in a way that is physically painful. I love CreepyVoyeur!Superman, and I want to see his head explode when he hears Kon and Robin finally hook up with comfort sex ;D Because inside Clark's head sounds like a gorgeous train wreck waiting to happen. And overlord!Kal is very genius and perfect and totally yours to play with and I'm totally grateful that you characterize them all so well that it seems undeniable because I can't really imagine them better than this. Woo hoo!


glossing August 31 2006, 19:59:29 UTC
WOW, thank you!

I love CreepyVoyeur!Superman, and I want to see his head explode when he hears Kon and Robin finally hook up with comfort sex
OMG, *ow* and yes and the Kents' hayloft would be perfect. *shivers*

I'm so glad you like creepy!Kal. He makes me happy in that kneel-before-me and feast kind of way. Like whoa. ;D


velvetandlace September 23 2006, 19:41:20 UTC
The first thing that really went through my mind while reading this was 'wtf', I'lll have to admit... we really see Clark differently.

This was just kind of jarring... like Clark finding Lois *too* human, when that is, really, what he loves about her... and the idea of the split identities and Kal being darker or truer than the others, when he always seems to identify with *Clark* most of all - the rest is just what he does - and I guess I just slash Clark. I think he's far too involved with Lois to ever go there with someone, really...

I guess we're just seeing things differently again!


glossing September 25 2006, 20:17:49 UTC
Thanks so much for reading and the feedback; I'm really sorry that this failed to work for you.

Let me just say that I love that Clark loves Lois and all her humanity, that that's the *core* (with Ma & Pa) of who he *is* to my eyes; I don't think that Kal's necessarily *truer* than the other identities (in fact, Kal-El's kind of...almost an ethical lapse/laziness at times), just - well, different. Bigtime. And fanfic lets me try out different theories, different conjunctions.


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