Where are you going with your fetlocks blowing in the wind?

Mar 11, 2014 20:53

On Sunday I finally managed to do something I have wanted to try for the last five years and actually rode my horse to cattle here in the UK.

There aren't many places that one has the opportunity to do that in this country - the only one I know of is Bar S in Kent who are about seventy miles away, so when I saw they had a cattle clinic there I ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

makoiyi March 12 2014, 00:26:31 UTC
Love it. Either a horse is 'cowy' or they ain't. And Iris obviously is. No she shouldn't kick, but there is a certain amount of *aggression* to a cowy horse. They get that determined look and off they go. Merlin was over-faced too young and he isn't keen. Yes, he'll walk in a field of cows, but if one turns toward him he gets upset. Not a cowy horse - lol. Glad you two had so much fun.


glenatron March 12 2014, 09:35:00 UTC
She did great. You can see that look on her in that picture, I think, that slight grumpiness as she pushes the cow along. I'm guessing that it comes through from dad, who was a bullfighter for part of his career.


harnessphoto March 12 2014, 01:31:06 UTC
She is so awesome :)


glenatron March 12 2014, 09:36:35 UTC
She really is an amazing horse. I am very lucky with the ladies in my life.


puddleshark March 12 2014, 10:37:17 UTC
That sounds like so much fun, for you and Iris both once she got the hang of it! Splendid mare!

And it's no bad idea to have a horse who can cope with cattle when you're hacking out beside a field full of stampeding spring heifers, or through a gateway chockablock with bullocks.

Charm loves chasing things and biting their bottoms driving cattle. It came in very handy once when a bull charged at a gate we had just closed and it swung open - she had to canter back and slam the gate in his face.


glenatron March 12 2014, 11:32:27 UTC
That is good skills from Charm - a good line in "You Shall Not Pass!"


re_vised March 12 2014, 13:13:33 UTC
I can't get over how amazing she looks in the photo. She's working so well there, and looks relaxed and willing. LOVE IT! Also really great that you got to check cow sorting off your list!


glenatron March 12 2014, 19:28:21 UTC
She did a totally great job, it was really good. I don't know it's checked off the list, though. It is more likely to stay on the list of things we do whenever we can after that...


siberian_angel March 12 2014, 13:18:42 UTC
That sounds like an awesome day!
I once participated in a cattle drive and I love how it's all about teamwork, with your horse as well as with the others riders.


glenatron March 12 2014, 19:29:36 UTC
I have worked cows on other people's horses, but it was so great to be able to do it with mine and for the training that we had already to start to show through. I am so lucky to have such a trustworthy horse.


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