Where are you going with your fetlocks blowing in the wind?

Mar 11, 2014 20:53

On Sunday I finally managed to do something I have wanted to try for the last five years and actually rode my horse to cattle here in the UK.

There aren't many places that one has the opportunity to do that in this country - the only one I know of is Bar S in Kent who are about seventy miles away, so when I saw they had a cattle clinic there I ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

flax March 12 2014, 16:55:31 UTC
This is awesome. I've tagged along to spectate with friends-of-friends on a ranch sort here, and it looks like SO MUCH FUN. A lot of the riding and horsemanship was pretty rough, but the horses were perfectly happy to hang out and wait in a very very close and small lineup area until it was their turn, which was my favorite thing. Can't imagine many of the dressage horses I know putting up with that.


glenatron March 12 2014, 19:49:57 UTC
I would say the same here- having only done this stuff with Martin in the past when I have seen this riding before it has actually been about as refined as cattle work gets - and there was a bit of rough and ready riding, but the flipside is that everyone was friendly and supportive of everyone else and we were all just trying to get the job done with our horses. It's hard to be refined when you need those really rapid changes of speed and direction. Certainly worth giving it a try if you get the chance. Maybe you could borrow one of the vaulting horses :)


serennig March 14 2014, 18:08:00 UTC
So awesome!!! I totally agree that it's something everyone should try if they can ( ... )


glenatron March 14 2014, 20:36:56 UTC
I really enjoyed it. Hoping to get out again next month because after that I need to get my Horsebox through it's MOT and that's going to require time, money and a decent mechanic so I just don't know when I'll do it. I am going to need a job fairly soon, though, The lack thereof could certainly start cramping my style shortly.

The nice thing here is because as far as I know these are the only people doing this in the country, certainly in this quarter of the country, there is a definite community of interest feeling. Seeing most people in older, well used western gear felt a bit like coming home, even if half the horses had way too much bit on them.

It's certainly given me direction to our schooling this week.


serennig March 14 2014, 21:45:45 UTC
Oh those pesky job things. Go without one long enough, can't afford the fun things. End up in a busy one, can't find time for the fun things. Laaaaame.

How cool that you found a good group to play with. :) I don't doubt that it's not easy to find over there. We definitely tried to take advantage of the opportunity when we were in the prairies.


glenatron March 14 2014, 23:14:30 UTC
Just looked in my bank account and realised I actually need to think about getting a job again as a matter of urgency - I have a mobile app I'm working on, but there's no way that will be done before I run out of cash. In fact, time is short enough that I may even have to consider marching into the pit that is London, something I will always try to avoid if possible.


penella22 April 6 2014, 02:35:22 UTC
OH MY GOD SO MUCH FUN!!! I'm so pleased you got the chance to work with some cows, and that Iris found her purpose!!! Moments like that stay with us forever and nourish our souls. :D


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