Title: Stacking Bones
Category: Angst, Gen, AU after 3.16
Spoilers: Up to and including 3.16
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, mild adult themes, dark
Disclaimers: Still not mine. Not making any money.
Summary: Sam never gave up on Dean, but he didn't save him either.
Notes: All mistakes are my own. If you notice any, please point them out.
Also, be aware that
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Comments 65
I also friended you. I hope you don't mind, but I prefer LJ to ff.net when it comes to reading fanfic.
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Really want to say something substantial here but...whoa. Like about how perfect your Dean and Bobby were and about how deeply spooky the whole thing was and about how the endings (both of them) broke my heart. Or about how I laughed out loud at the idea of Bobby flipping through Popular Mechanics while his reanimated roomie whacks off in the can. Or about how I practically had my whole fist in my mouth when Bobby was about to shoot Dean. But I can't say any of that so I'll just say...whoa. Premiere's in one hour and it can't possibly compare to this. Sorry, Krips.
Still, I'm just grateful to Eric Kripke for giving me the toys to play with, and to the actors for creating the characters that we all love so much.
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