Title: Stacking Bones
Category: Angst, Gen, AU after 3.16
Spoilers: Up to and including 3.16
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, mild adult themes, dark
Disclaimers: Still not mine. Not making any money.
Summary: Sam never gave up on Dean, but he didn't save him either.
Notes: All mistakes are my own. If you notice any, please point them out.
Also, be aware that
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Comments 65
Anyway - OMFG this was amazing! I'm really glad you wrote an epilogue, cuz I was about to DIE right along with Dean. Heartbreaking, really. But I'm going to envision a sunshiney, happy ending LOL!
This story is going in my memories and my delicious. :-)
Well done!
I think the epilogue works well from the standpoint of both boys being so very changed but together. It’s so painful to think of them being on opposite sides, or separated, but there’s a certain comfort in them facing their precarious futures with a united front.
Favorite lines:
The touch on Dean’s forehead is too rough, sandpaper over frostbitten skin.
Good description.
This close, Bobby smells like sweat and gunpowder and engine grease. He smells like every man that Dean’s ever looked up to.
Nicely phrased.
Dean tries to make sense out of what he’s saying but the words keep sliding away from him like greased rope, just going faster and faster the harder he tries to hang on.
Good analogy.
The steady scrape, scrape, scrape of Bobby sharpening his Natchez Bowie is like a lullaby, and it leads Dean into the dark.Yeah, I can see Dean ( ... )
Also, you're the first to comment on Ruby in the story. I wasn't sure how she was going to go over. I had a blast writing her dialogue and I wanted to bring her back later but it just didn't work.
Thanks again. Take care!
(I love your icon, by the way)
Thanks. :) alistra made it for me.
It's so finely detailed, and so grimly unflinching.
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