Here are a few gen fanfics (spoiler free) that are almost guaranteed to get you excited about that little something that's happening later tonight.
Stacking Bones glassshoeT, Gen
Summary: Sam never gave up on Dean, but he didn't save him either.
Amazing. I can't recommend this highly enough. Set after No Rest for the Wicked, Bobby cares for Dean after he returns from Hell. I was hooked at chapter one and hungrily read through all five chapters. The characterisations are spot on and I especially love how the author portrays the relationship between Bobby and Dean.
Tiger Boy 1/1 by
pdragon76PG-13 (usual sailor-mouth shenanigans), Gen
Summary: We follow where the bent stalks lead.
A wonderful look at the relationship between John and Dean. This is exactly what I want to believe happened when Sam was at Stanford. Dean is a cocky as you'd expect him to be at 23 and I love her characterisation of John. He is every bit the gruff, tired, proud father I imagine him to be. It's the little details in this fic that really make it stand out.
Only got time for a short read?
tvm has been doing a hurt/comfort fic meme
here and there have been some awesome fics posted. Since it's the season four premiere tonight here are few of the gen post-hell comment fics I've really enjoyed.
dotfic wrote a perfect reunion between Dean and his girl, the Impala
here. i_speak_tongue wrote a lovely ficlet of Sam taking care of Dean at a cabin
here. janissa11 wrote a heartbreaking fic for the prompt "Dean curled up in a shivering traumatised ball of flashback and Sam curled around him"
here. smilla02 wrote a wonderful but painful fic for the same flashback prompt
here. And finally,
ifyouweremine wrote an amazing piece where Sam cleans Dean's wounds and washes his hair
here. Rated R.
And if that's not enough for you, there's another 65 comment fics for your reading pleasure, including more than a few Wincest and RPS. :)