(no subject)

Oct 29, 2009 15:14

So, they're looking to compile lists of abandoned stories at Potter Place. Which... really seems stupid to me. It didn't bother me until I saw that a few people don't care if they get permission from the original authors. Or that someone else believes that if they don't hear a response from the author than it's implied permission.

Really, plot ideas are simply that... ideas... that doesn't make the unique. That's why we have so many cliches. But it can be touchy to take someone else's work and copy it out exact or so close that you're reading the same story. It doesn't take much to twist it to be unique to you. And, yes, I know what we're doing with fanfic anyway... we've got source material, but, again... most people twist it to suit their perception or their taste.

My point isn't about plagiarism or picking up abandoned stories, though. Really, the thing that made me twitch today was when I saw the name of the person asked to collect the list of stories at Potter Place. She's been popping in and out of SSHG fandom for a while now, and I've mostly kept my mouth shut, but something about this just rubbed me the wrong way.

So, I posted the following at Potter Place this afternoon:

Huh. So, I'm never on here any more, but I had heard about this thread through the grapevine. My first thought was that as long as permission was both sought and received from the original author, then I didn't care. I mean, we've seen this before from stories like Pawn to Queen and I Don't Dance, But Thank You For Asking. The original authors gave permission for continuations and the new authors took over the stories to go along their merry little way.

Really, that's not a big deal.

Then I hear that people might not care about permission. Well... stories are the property of the author, though ideas are not. Take a similar idea and write your own story, people.

However, then I see that the person who stepped up to spearhead this project is none other than brandy01 (and her various aliases.) Seriously, people, of course she'd jump all over this, she's a known plagiarist. A known one. She stole my story. She stole AncientGirl's story. She stole stories and actively stalked Subversa.


Think about this.

This girl is seriously disturbed. If she had come out and apologised and admitted who she is from the beginning, that's one thing. Instead of apologies, we received more lies and excuses. It's impossible to know if her newer stories aren't simply stolen fics from other fandoms. After all, her M.O. was never to copy/paste, it was to to use a thesaurus and switch up the order of a few paragraphs.

Know who it is you're dealing with before you take their suggestions or ask them to moderate forums.

I've held my tongue for over a year as I watched this girl try to integrate herself back into fandom, but this is the last straw.


This is only my opinion, of course, and really only a nth of it, but something about this simply pushed my buttons.

Then again, maybe it's all simply because I didn't get enough sleep last night and I'm functioning off of my caffeine infusion.



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