
Aug 23, 2009 01:19

I'm getting all emotional. I hate that.

I miss my job. I haven't worked in about 5 years. I know, that's a long time. In my profession, going that long without taking the time to brush up skills isn't a good thing. I'm not even sure what all I have to do to have my license reinstated. It could involve any number of things from testing to skills labs to content update to having to work with a mentor for a while. I haven't a clue. Not to mention that the likelihood of finding a place that would want someone who hasn't practised in 5 years is slim. And, of course, I haven't seen any positions available in my specialty.


This stems from a few things. For starters, Hubby and I have been talking about me going back to work for the last few months. The youngest goes into the first grade in a couple of weeks. I'll have more time and we really could use the extra income. Secondly, I spent the last two weeks writing about a labor. Heck, I've spent the last year writing about pregnancy. I miss it. I absolutely loved that aspect of my job. It was amazing. More than amazing. Seriously, it took about 20 deliveries for me to stop crying when the baby was born. I am that much of a sap. So, tonight I spent a lot of time looking to see if I could find any positions around here and then I started looking up things like midwifery. My husband calls it witch-doctery. It's what I originally went to school for. I had every intention of getting my BSN and then going on to become a nurse practitioner specialising as a Certified Nurse Midwife. Instead, I wound up having 2 more kids. (Don't ask, let's just say, only I would get pregnant with an IUD and two weeks prior to a scheduled tubal.) But a regular midwife might be an option... maybe.

So, I've sent off a couple of emails to the state board of nursing looking to see what I need to do to be able to practise again. I also asked if there were any jobs in the area because every time I've looked in the last few weeks, I've come up empty-handed. So different from how things were the year I graduated. The year I finished school and took my exams, the hospitals were paying a sign-on bonus if you agreed to work for them. Not only that, but my training at the hospital was a 6-month program. They had invested quite a bit of money into each gal they hired that year and on that unit and they were desperate for people. That's no longer the case. To work the unit I'd been on, I have things I'd have to renew. The most notable being my NRP cert and AWHON cert. Hell, I'm pretty sure it's time for me to renew my CPR this summer, too.

All of that, and the idea of looking to see if I can find a stupid job down at the local coffee shop is sounding more and more appealing.


Why can't I get paid for writing fanfic? Hell, why can't I get paid for writing o-fic?

We took the kids to see "Up" today. I'd seen it before with Freak #4. The rest of the kiddos liked it though. So did Hubby, though he wasn't feeling well. Even knowing what was going to happen (really, I knew the first time, too... very predictable story) I still cried 3 times during the film. Tears just start streaming down my face. I'm such a sap!!!

Second trial of the cheesecake was a success. I'm not going to make it again for a few weeks, but I was giddy that it turned out so well.

I then spent a good chunk of tonight outlining a new fanfic. I really need to stop doing that. Though, sometimes when I outline I do it hoping that it'll help get the fic out of my head so I no longer have the urge to write it. So far that's not working for me on this fic. And I still need to finish my last story! Although, at least with that one, the end is in sight. I'm thinking I'll write the final chapter and the epilogue at the same time and post them close together.

My ofic has a massive plot hole that is refusing to be filled, so until I can figure it out, it's on the backburner. :(

Oldest started football this week. Junior Varsity. He's having fun and I'm excited for him. Bummer is that his first game happens to be the same night as the BSU vs. U of O game. GAH! I plan on watching Freak #1's game and running home to catch the 2nd half of the BSU game. Why yes, yes it is that time again where my college football obsession starts to take over. :)

And my internet keeps conking out!

*pulls out hair*

Anyhow, I hope you all have a good rest of your weekend!
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