
Jun 09, 2009 17:22

I kind of wish I'd kept a couple of those nurses around from the convention; maybe it wouldn't have taken me so long to fix my leg and take care of that nasty infection.

Anyone know where I can get some vicodin around here?

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Comments 111

cafedeinfierno June 9 2009, 21:28:12 UTC
Madison Square Garden. Then get in line.


gimpy_addict June 9 2009, 21:29:31 UTC
A line?

I'm a cripple; I can't stand in a line.


cafedeinfierno June 9 2009, 21:32:22 UTC
They have benches for us old folks.


gimpy_addict June 9 2009, 21:34:44 UTC
I don't think I'm getting through to you through that ridiculous contraption that seems to be eating your face.

I need vicodin now, or the inevitable horde of people who are going to come to me for doctoring are going to be incredibly disappointed.


notsogrim June 9 2009, 21:38:03 UTC
I think they have some medicine and supplies at Madison Square Gardens.

Are you hurt badly?


gimpy_addict June 9 2009, 21:43:49 UTC
I guess I'm headed to Madison Square Garden then.

And I don't know if I'm hurt badly, how would you classify chronic pain in my leg that makes it impossible to walk unless I have a cane and vicodin?


notsogrim June 9 2009, 21:49:09 UTC
I would say you are. Do you think you'll be alright?


gimpy_addict June 9 2009, 21:53:29 UTC
Well, it's been this way for 8 years, and I'm not dead or dying yet, so signs would point to yes.


This is Thomas Being an Ass. sexandahaircut June 10 2009, 00:13:40 UTC
Girls and drugs.

Someone knows how to have a good time.

Well, except for the infection I suppose.


This is House being his normal self. gimpy_addict June 10 2009, 00:15:15 UTC
I'd like to see you walk away from having a piece of metal shoved through your leg, and then pulling it out slowly.

I bet you'd start screaming even after we gave you morphine.


lilacvampire June 10 2009, 05:49:40 UTC
I've been impaled by a stone spike before.

It didn't hurt that much.

You big baby.


gimpy_addict June 10 2009, 05:51:42 UTC
Then you must have CIPA.

Rare genetic disorder. Very interesting.


psirockinn June 10 2009, 00:24:24 UTC
Are you hurt? I can heal you, mister.


gimpy_addict June 10 2009, 00:26:33 UTC
What, with your plastic stethoscope and pretend lab coat?

You can't heal chronic pain, kid. All you can do is take lots and lots of opiates.

Now go play with your toys and leave the doctor alone.


psirockinn June 10 2009, 00:47:04 UTC
B-but I can! I can use PSI Healing and Lifeup!


gimpy_addict June 10 2009, 00:50:54 UTC
Okay, now you just play too many video games.
Which I'm not saying is entirely bad, but. You can't heal people with something out of a video game.


patchwork_phd June 10 2009, 04:48:48 UTC
Ah, what seems to be the problem with your leg, sir?


gimpy_addict June 10 2009, 04:54:36 UTC
Long story. Suffice it to say that half of the muscle tissue is gone, I have had chronic leg pain for the past 8 years, I can't walk without a cane, and no one seems to have any damn vicodin so that I can actually function.


patchwork_phd June 10 2009, 05:04:37 UTC
Oh my. Well, my colleague Diego up there knows the only reliable source of Vicodin in the city -- trust me, I've searched every room of this hospital and it's been cleaned out. Unfortunate, really. If only I had muscle to spare! Well, there's the parasites, but their tissue would hardly be hospitable in a human environment.


gimpy_addict June 10 2009, 05:06:20 UTC
Parasites? You have parasites?

I think you're the one who needs the help.


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