Title: The Glass Slipper
Genre: Romance, humour
Rating & warnings: PG-13 for mild swearing and not quite so mild innuendo.
Word Count: 7415
Summary: Cinderella shall go to the ball. And Remus is going with her... Christmas, OotP.
Author’s Note: The original for this was written for the
metamorfic_moon Winter Wonderland Advent and can be found
here. There was
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Comments 10
There's too much goodness to quote properly, but this line really struck me: They’ll even cut off circulation, if needs be. Till the suspect passes out.
It shows that Tonks is really learning about the horrors of war and how the good side must sometimes act questionably. It fits well with the slightly darker quality of the fic.
I just want to say again how fantastic this piece is. It's actually one of my favorite R/T fics. Great job!
I did really only plan to put the 700 or so words I chopped in the first place back in, but somehow additions appeared in most places and that intention doubled and a bit more. Which did make me wonder if I should have left well alone as people seemed to like the original, but it's always bugged me that the ball was a bit rushed through as Fred and George noted, and it does feel now more like the fic I intended, a bit darker underneath the daftness.
I can't claim the Snape/Sirius dance added much to the storyline, but I'm pretending it showed different sides of Sirius' character, in how he could switch from being a big kid with Snape to giving Tonks some rather sad, adult warnings. I did toy with getting him to hiss as Snape exited stage right, cloak billowing in true villain style, but I thought those not familiar with pantomimes would think I'd cracked even more and I was pushing it with 'He's behind you!' anyway ( ... )
I really enjoyed the Ugly Stepsister!Snape/Prince Charming!Sirius interaction, very amusing! And of course Remus was just lovely throughout, as always : )
But now I think that perhaps there is nothing she can’t do, and nothing she can’t change, and even nothing she can’t help me face. So I’ve run through the snow in search of my one True Love
Oh my, I think I'm gonna swoon *fans self*
I think I mentioned when I commented on the original version that I'd always been a bit of a Cinders/Buttons shipper as a child and this fic definitely fills that void for me! I think I shall be re-reading it alot!
I did wonder if I should leave well alone with this after people seemed to like the original, but Fred and George weren't totally joking when they said the ball got dashed through as I was running out of words. It worried me that the parts I had to leave out always seemed to be the 'deeper' parts about Remus and Tonks and they were the focus of the story. (As well as leaving out the Snape/Sirius dance, but I can't claim that added that much, apart from to the daftness factor;)) I'm very glad you felt the additions are seamless; it feels more like the story I intended now, a bit darker and not so much of a mad rush to the end to fit everything in.
And yay! for Buttons. Definitely Remus-like in this and obviously Tonks just has far more sense and taste than Cinderella ever did.
Thank you again. :)
Thanks again. :)
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