Title: The Glass Slipper
Genre: Romance, humour
Rating & warnings: PG-13 for mild swearing and not quite so mild innuendo.
Word Count: 7415
Summary: Cinderella shall go to the ball. And Remus is going with her... Christmas, OotP.
Author’s Note: The original for this was written for the
metamorfic_moon Winter Wonderland Advent and can be found
here. There was
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I'm very glad you enjoyed this again and didn't think I should have left well alone, a thought which did occur to me a few times as I kept adding. Leaving out the Sirius/Snape scene from the original didn't really bug me as it doesn't exactly add to the story, only the pantomime insanity factor, but there were a couple of R/T moments missing that did (for some reason, my favourite part is when Remus talks about the absence of biscuits), and it was nice to be able to put those back in ... and add a few more. I also wanted to try and make the background of the war ever present and it all a little more serious for the characters underneath the frivolity for the ending. I nearly changed the Fred and George interlude in the middle to say, well, thank goodness we've got a bit more of the ball this time around...
Still can't believe how long it's taken me so the good news is you never have to apologise for taking a while with TH again - you can just say you know someone who took almost two months to do one story!
Anyway many, many thanks, as ever, for your kind words, your inspiring domestic woes which I just knew Fairy Godmother Dumbledore would relate to, and for taking the time to read this all again. I solemnly swear not to do a third version. ;)
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