Title: The Glass Slipper
Genre: Romance, humour
Rating & warnings: PG-13 for mild swearing and not quite so mild innuendo.
Word Count: 7415
Summary: Cinderella shall go to the ball. And Remus is going with her... Christmas, OotP.
Author’s Note: The original for this was written for the
metamorfic_moon Winter Wonderland Advent and can be found
here. There was
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I'm glad you liked that line about the laces, and the boots, and what they can do if absolutely necessary - I think all fairy tales have a dark undertone to them, and there's a very serious war going on throughout this which is never far away, and a lot to do with how Remus and Tonks both have doubts about having a relationship and why they act as they do. So it was nice to be able to bring that side of things out a little more and, hopefully, do away with any sense of it being rushed at the end.
Thank you very much for reading it again and such nice comments. It's really great to know you enjoyed it so much as I loved writing it.:D
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