
Dec 19, 2013 10:55

Written for Tumblr's Klaine Advent Challenge (a 100+ word drabble a day)

Prompt #18: River

A/N - Takes place during s4e10 (Glee, Actually), following Salvo.


Mr Hummel coughed and mumbled something but Blaine couldn’t be sure what he’d said so he kept Kurt held in a tight hug. Not that Kurt was letting him go anytime soon. Blaine was sure there’d be tender points on his shoulders later, finger shaped spots that would remind him of this moment while he was on the plane.

Kurt’s breathing kept hitching, although he wasn’t crying. Not yet at least. Blaine knew once he and Kurt’s father left for the airport that he’d let go. Until then though, Blaine clung on to this moment. This feeling. This swell of love that ran like a river between them. Confusion and doubt over being friends or lovers, or more, was a frivolous trifle compared to this feeling of connection. The bond between them was irrevocable. Blaine knew it from the tips of his toes to the plunging depths of his heart. He ached for Kurt in places he couldn’t name. Places that didn’t physically exist. Places that turned him inside out when he inwardly searched for them. His soul ached for Kurt. To have this man in his arms forever. If things didn’t change between, he would survive. It would hurt. It would break his heart. But his love wouldn’t diminish. You don’t forget your first love. Your only love. Kurt.

Afterwards, in the cab, Mr Hummel nudged his shoulder, interrupting his aimless stare out the window.

“You did good, Anderson,” came gruff praise. Blaine nodded vaguely and glanced over with a grateful half smile. Kurt’s dad lowered his voice and added, “Thanks for coming out here, Blaine. I owe you and your parents one. I was surprised they said yes. If the situations were reversed, I don’t know if I’d have done the same.”

“I kinda begged,” Blaine said as he scrunched his face up. “I think if we’d stayed in Ohio, things might have been different but them being with Cooper this year, I’m not missed as much.” Mr Hummel harrumphed at that. “Are you taking Kurt back to Ohio for New Years?”

“I’ll ask but I doubt he’ll agree. It’ll just be a quiet one with Carole. Suits me fine.” Blaine hummed absentmindedly.  “You?”

“We’ll still be in L.A. I’m sure Cooper has it all planned already,” Blaine said offhandedly. “Mr Hummel? Thanks for asking, and for bringing me along. It meant a lot to see him. It helped. Me, anyway. And him too, I think.” He swallowed hard and shifted his gaze back out the window.

“Don’t worry, kid. It’ll work itself out. These things do.”


short story, klaine, advent challenge, nc-17, glee: your hands

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