
Dec 18, 2013 13:08

Written for Tumblr's Klaine Advent Challenge (a 100+ word drabble a day)

Prompt #17: Salvo

A/N - Takes place during s4e10 (Glee, Actually). Boxing Day morning.


Blaine rubbed at his tired eyes while hot water smoothed his hair straight over his skull. He shifted forward so the water pounded at the base of his neck, hopeful that it would help him relax a little. He was just wound so tight this morning. Suddenly he was startled at the wild scrape of the shower curtain jerking back.

“Hey,” Kurt murmured as he clambered into the space and pressed up against Blaine’s back. “Dad’s making breakfast, so we need to be quick.” Hands wrapped themselves around Blaine’s waist, fingers pressed into his belly. Blaine was pulled back slightly so the water hit him square in the chest as Kurt mouthed at his neck, teeth pressing into soft bites to tease. He stretched his neck to the side instinctively to give Kurt more room and moaned when a hand swept down to squeeze his balls. Blaine whined and twisted himself around to hug his ex-boyfriend.

“Let’s not, okay?” Blaine mumbled as he tucked his face into Kurt’s neck and hugged him tightly. Kurt stiffened in his arms.
“Don’t you want me?” he asked in a soft uncertain tone.

“You know I do,” Blaine said somberly. “But not like this. Not this,” he huffed in frustration, “mad rush and hurry. I’m getting on a plane for California in a few hours and I don’t want to spend the last of our time with your dad knowing that we just jerked each other off.”

“He wouldn’t know.” Blaine rolled his eyes at Kurt’s light tone.

“Kurt, he’d know.”

“We had messed around while he was asleep,” Kurt countered.

“Yeah, but he was asleep. He doesn’t know exactly what happened between us.” Kurt giggled suddenly and walked them in a tight circle so the water hit his back instead. “What’s so funny?”

“He doesn’t know what went down in the tent,” Kurt said with a chuckle. He shook his head. “Never mind, not important.” He sobered up and nuzzled in to plant small kisses along Blaine’s jaw.


“I wasn’t just going to jerk you off, you know.” Blaine’s breathing stuttered at Kurt’s husky tone.

“Don’t tease,” Blaine murmured even as he tipped his chin up to accept Kurt’s kisses.


short story, klaine, advent challenge, nc-17, glee: your hands

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