
Dec 17, 2013 20:38

Written for Tumblr's Klaine Advent Challenge (a 100+ word drabble a day)

Prompt #16: Pulse

A/N - Takes place during s4e10 (Glee, Actually). An R rated Christmas Night.


Kurt was exhausted. There was no denying that keeping his distance from Blaine all day had been difficult but every time he even thought about getting close to him, his dad had given him a look. Actually it was a combination of two looks which exasperated Kurt no end. Firstly, there was the ‘what the in the blue blazers are you doing’, and also the ‘why don’t you just admit you’re together already’. Together they’d stopped him from reaching out to Blaine every single time because he didn’t know the answer to the first question and he certainly wasn’t ready to entertain ideas around the second one. But he wanted Blaine. Oh, how he wanted. To touch. To kiss. However, he refrained because they were supposed to be just friends. That was the agreement. Only now they were more, yet less at the same time. It was very confusing. Kurt had spent the entire day oscillating between desire and temperance, slowly building a wall between them. A neutral zone made of space that would keep his heart safe.

Had sex been a mistake last night? It hadn’t felt that way sixteen hours ago. Waking up wrapped in Blaine, his body solid under Kurt, arms warm around him, still slippery inside because of him. No, that had been damn near perfect. Kurt couldn’t regret that, not even if Carole’s well meaning but off color comments had tainted it. It was the reason, in fact, why Blaine was sprawled out naked in Kurt’s bed and being treated to a near silent blow job in the dark hush of the loft.

What Kurt had come to realize tonight was that silent blowjobs were in fact pretty damn hard to achieve, if only for the slurp factor. However, when his father had made a show of finding a pair of Kurt’s noise cancelling headphones earlier, his courage had been bolstered.  After his dad said goodnight, Kurt had taken Blaine by the hand to his bed, drawn the curtain and stripped him naked without any preamble. Thankfully, Blaine hadn’t protested about being manhandled onto the bed and practically swallowed whole. Instead, Blaine had slung his forearm across his mouth to keep quiet while Kurt focused on his mouthful and made only small movements as he slid his tongue over and around the heavy shaft. Of course, it was over too soon for Kurt’s liking, he’d wanted to savor the experience. But Blaine seized up quickly, biting at the skin in the crook of his elbow when Kurt took him as deeply as possible without gagging and then gulped down his silky come. Blaine’s harsh breathing and heaving chest took Kurt’s attention as he laid his flushed face on his best friend’s still twitching stomach.

Kurt was spent. He’d barely any energy to crawl up the bed and find the pillow, let alone deal with his own erection still trapped in his jeans. All too soon warm hands tucked themselves under his armpits and helped to pull him upwards so that his legs slid open over Blaine’s torso. Kurt sighed at the sight of Blaine’s mused hair while he was pushed up on his knees. How he’d missed that, among other things.

Blaine’s nimble fingers worked quickly at Kurt’s belt and fly, and then his cock was enveloped in a moist palm that worked him over until he was shaking and sweaty. The grip on Kurt’s thighs urged him forward as Blaine’s mouth fell open in an invitation.

In the dark, Blaine’s tender expression sharpened into hunger as Kurt shuffled up further and leaned forward. His hand hit the cool concrete wall with a subtle slap and a soft grunt came from below as his best friend strained forward to capture Kurt’s cock between his lips. Kurt eased himself back and forth at a snail's pace, anxious over noise but shuddering as Blaine’s tongue toyed with his slit. Finally heat flooded over Kurt’s skin as he pulsed inside his best friend’s mouth and came with a hushed gasp, curling in over Blaine protectively.

He let himself be laid down and undressed. To have his layers peeled away, his bricks tumbling down, one by one. Kurt was so completely undone by this boy. There was no way he’d be able to keep up the fortifications he’d constructed today. In a perverse train of thought, he felt it was for best that Blaine was leaving tomorrow. Without the miles between them, Kurt knew his walls wouldn’t last a week. This way, they just had to last until the morning.


short story, klaine, advent challenge, nc-17, glee: your hands

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