Bitching and moaning and a poll!

Nov 10, 2009 13:15

Rant 1: Dear bandom-related daily photo communities-Please, please, pretty please stop being run by (and overrun by) teenies who cannot type properly and who do not understand when it is appropriate to use a LJ cut. PROTIP: IF YOUR PHOTO IS MORE THAN 500 PIXELS WIDE, FTLOG, USE A LJ CUT. AND STOP TYPING LIKE YOU ARE A FUCKING CAT MACRO; IT’S NOT FUNNY. No love, Gids.

Rant 2: If you find yourself posting to your LJ 2-3 times per hour, perhaps you might think about SAVING THAT SHIT UP AND POSTING ONCE A DAY (WITH LJ CUTS WHERE APPROPRIATE). I realize that it is your journal and you will post what you like, but you could spare your fellow fangirls a little irritation by cutting down on the number of posts per hour.

Rant 3: Twitter. Oh, I just can’t even. Suffice to say that some people should not be allowed to have a Twitter. If you tweet your every waking thought or move (or, you know, upwards of 10 times per hour), you might seriously consider shutting the fuck up. I can almost guarantee you that you are not as interesting as you think you are, and that I am not the only one annoyed by your incessant tweets.

On the up side, there is a solution to all of these irritations! I have the option to leave, defriend, and unfollow to save myself a vast amount of eye-rolling, swearing, and gnashing of teeth! I will certainly employ these methods just as soon as I post this very important poll!
Poll Poll of Spam, Now With Pretty Ladies!

rant, poll, cranky gids is cranky

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