Cowlip's intentions about Brian and Justin

Jun 15, 2011 21:42

Hi, this is the first time I've posted here so please forgive any mistakes ( Read more... )

fandom: articles & interviews, fandom: good getithere convos, fandom: general inquiries or trivia

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nightvision55 June 15 2011, 21:09:01 UTC
I thought that was probably the case - I wonder if they meant to let Justin die at the end of the first series and go on from there?
Thank God they didn't, though ... it kind of worked in the original, but Brian/Michael is just too horrible to contemplate (shudder!)


bigdogz09 June 15 2011, 21:22:07 UTC
I don't know their original intend, but fans were so horrified by the ending that riots broke out all over the world... okay, maybe the riots didn't happen. ;)

BUT, there was an interview with Cowlip that was done last year (maybe 2 years ago). The producers said that they don't know why people thought that B/J weren't going to continue seeing each other. It was heavily implied in the interview that B/J were an unique, special couple and could possibly go the distance. Or so it seemed, to most that read the interview. I can't remember if they definitely said 'yes' that they would end up together or not.

A link to the interview was here on this website, but I can't who the interviewer was.

Manybe there's a link or someone's may remember who did the interview.

All the best.


soulmatejunkee June 15 2011, 21:31:43 UTC
Here's the interview:

I would love to know what the original plan was and why it was changed, because I'm sure that they had B/M in mind, since they totally copied the UK version.


nightvision55 June 15 2011, 21:34:42 UTC
Thanks for the link - I'll check it out


nightvision55 June 15 2011, 21:31:50 UTC
Mmm. Not too sure I buy that ... I remember reading that the series finale was to have ended with another blond boy stepping off the pavement on Liberty like Justin did in the first episode, which to me would have implied that he was nothing special at all ...

I'm glad they didn't go with that, because the ending was crap enough as it was.


bigdogz09 June 16 2011, 01:09:05 UTC
I just read the 2006 interview and I'm glad that Cowlip backpeddled in the 2010 interview. And well they should! They should kiss my incredibly, large ass and beg for forgiveness.

That's right boys, say you're sorry and bend over. Jackasses...

Time for merlot.


ryosato June 16 2011, 07:10:48 UTC
It's never been stated, but it makes sense that from season 2 and on it's far more Brian/Justin, because the writers in the original season were the same as the UK version. But due to Canada's laws on employing a certain percentage of Canadian people if you're working up there (or something, I don't know the details lol) they had to fire most of them and get a totally new writing group from Canada. From there, they decided to continue to change things and move on in a new direction.

Although, I'd say they knew there were people that liked both, because they never COMPLETELY deny the Brian/Michael thing. I mean, even in the last season, which IMO was weird all around. XD


highd June 16 2011, 14:24:34 UTC
The Brian Michael thing was dealt with in season 2 episode 12. Anyone that thinks there was more after that are reaching at best. Even when Brian was dragging Michael around during the first part of season 3 it was obvious that Michael wanted to be home with Ben and not be out watching Brian at underwear parties.


ryosato June 16 2011, 21:25:19 UTC
I'm not gonna get into a big fandom argument about how to read the show. ;) All I'm saying is, they left in plenty of moments for Brian/Michael fans to keep them watching. And hey, reaching? Brian calls him "the love of his life" and no matter how you feel about that or if you think he was joking or whatever, when lines like that are in a show it gives fans the opportunity to decide what they think it meant for the character. That's what makes fandom fun; we can all read the same moments in completely different ways. :)


"the love of his life" bilby10 June 26 2011, 08:14:45 UTC
I thought that line was so strange. Was Brian joking ? (maybe) The line doesn't make sense in the context of "you're my best and oldest friend" / "you're the family my real family could never be". If Brian meant it seriously, then he meant that Michael was the romantic love of his life.

In the end I just came to the conclusion that ClowLip were "feeding" those fans that yearned for Brian/Michael romance, but it doesn't fit with anything else !

I hear (from Shawn Postoff and actors' comments) that CowLip had a strong vision of what they wanted. Hmm ... from where I'm sitting it seemed a little wishy-washy at times. If they wanted a Brian/Michael relationship to develop as per UK QAF they should have stuck to their guns. Otherwise they should not have included those little clues thrown here and there to Brian/Michael fans, as they were distracting and made the general storylines more incoherent.


masterglory June 16 2011, 14:51:54 UTC
I guess Qaf has began as a Brian/michael(ewwwwww and bleah) story ( ... )


ipitydaf00l June 16 2011, 15:49:26 UTC
Gloria, I love you. :) You have the same thoughts I do on most things. Yes, I felt the same at the end that everyone else was pretty happy while Brian lost both Justin and Gus. (Plus the whole "that's who you are" vibe Michael kept spewing when Brian was ready to give up Babylon... There was always this give and take between Michael he kept harping at Brian to change, but freaked out the minute he showed progress of changing telling him that "it wasn't right" or some b.s. similar.... I never understood that ( ... )


masterglory June 16 2011, 16:29:30 UTC
You've never seen Qaf Uk? Well, it could seems the same plot of the Usa ones...but for me it's totally different ( ... )


ipitydaf00l June 16 2011, 17:13:23 UTC
No, I've never seen it. I've seen people discuss it and how it compares with the US version. Katya sent me it (with the US version), but I never watched it. However, she like others have gone into vast differences of why they like one vs. the other. Differences between the shows, etc. I just haven't really sat down to watch it ( ... )


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