Cowlip's intentions about Brian and Justin

Jun 15, 2011 21:42

Hi, this is the first time I've posted here so please forgive any mistakes ( Read more... )

fandom: articles & interviews, fandom: good getithere convos, fandom: general inquiries or trivia

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ipitydaf00l June 16 2011, 17:13:23 UTC
No, I've never seen it. I've seen people discuss it and how it compares with the US version. Katya sent me it (with the US version), but I never watched it. However, she like others have gone into vast differences of why they like one vs. the other. Differences between the shows, etc. I just haven't really sat down to watch it.

I agree with you on your take when you think of it in those terms. Brian was brutally blunt, but honest. It's funny how some people really are that way in life but we don't respect/value them, but people cared so much for Brian for being the same way. :) He had his issues, but he did a lot of things he didn't have to over time. I think I made a joke one time at my journal how for someone who never was in a relationship he sure did solve many relationship issues of others.

That's how I felt that Michael was rewarded and Brian was punished in a sense. Throughout the entire series Michael tended to do little back stabbing things all over the place and each time he kept trying to prove what a better person he was, how much better his life was compared to Brian's, but he's tried so hard to mess things up in Brian's life. It makes me wonder how things would have been different if Michael didn't have to interfere so often or work on other's insecurities as often as he did. (He was constantly after Justin even during the time that Brian/Justin split and Justin was with Ian.)

they "needed" to create Brian just to destroy him

Sadly people do that. :(

I have to say this and it's slightly off topic, but I find it interesting how easily people are willing to give characters in books or tv shows a chance. Brian can be an asshole at times given his brutal honesty but I also saw a lot of his actions for what they were, possibly because of my own personal experience. However, people don't provide the same measure in real life. They take things at face value and if they don't know about that person's past or things that may have made them the way they are they don't care. They don't give them a chance at all in most cases, they only see how things affect them or hurt them. I've seen it many times, and I'm guilty of it too but I have been trying to be a better person and more understanding of other's actions. (Not saying I don't get upset at times, but I try to remind myself that there might be more to it that I don't know about.)

However, on the flip side people can put blinders on for some people and ignore any bad behavior and act as though it doesn't happen. I, for example, saw a lot of negative things from Hal, but there are those who don't see things he's said that I consider pretty ugly as bad. *shrugs*


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