
Jul 27, 2009 21:41

for gen_drabble; Nepenthe, "the one that chases away sorrow".


“Why don’t you meditate?” Teer asks one morning, gently incurious.

“I do,” John says (lies), twiddling a grass-stem.

“You sleep,” she corrects, her expression sweet but humorless. (Nobody ever really smiles here.)

“I don’t want to ascend,” he says; don’t want to leave them behind, he doesn’t, but she hears anyway.

“Why not? They’ve left you.” She presses her hand against his heart. “You hurt-I can feel it. Why do you choose to remember such pain and the people who caused it?”

“There’s more than one way to abandon someone,” he tells her (break, heart; I prithee-) and walks away.

sga, snapshots

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