most illogical

Jul 18, 2009 13:09

Therese darling, I don't remember if this is exactly what you asked for, but it's what got written. You have my profoundest apologies.


Spock regarded the tricorder as he might a being who insisted that Terran pigs could indeed fly unassisted, the planet’s satellite was in fact made of green cheese, and the Enterprise was actually a four inch long model made out of plastic.

“Well?” Kirk repeated, the impatience suggested by his folded arms belied by the slight upward twitch of his mouth. “What are we looking at?”

After another almost embarrassed silence, Spock admitted, “I am unable to ascertain. The readings are indicative of inanimate organic matter, such as cloth and hair, and yet-”

Kirk made an expressive gesture upward. “And yet.”

Spock followed the gesture with his eyes, to where what appeared to be a large, antique ‘teddy bear’ was hanging from a balloon, singing something about clouds, and floating in the direction of some kind of insect hive. “And yet,” he agreed. The insects began to swarm around the teddy bear, who continued singing. “I must confess I find this place . . . unsettling. ”

“Took the words right out of my mouth.” Kirk flipped open his communicator and thumbed the switch to open a channel. “Transporter room, get us out of here.”

As they beamed out, the last sounds they heard were the teddy bear’s shouts and the bang of a balloon exploding.

worlds not mine, snapshots

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