You're comparing Liberals to Hitler? Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

Feb 03, 2013 01:37

Guys, I'm sorry, I just have to. I can't. I.

I saw this in my Facebook timeline, posted by an American friend violently opposed to gun control (which is his prerogative but I'm still finding it stupid. This is, however, not the issue of this rant):

Liberals = Hitler, it's all in there!

I need a punching bag. With just any reactionary American's face on it. Badly. )

crazy hazy hue, communist nazis, what i don't even, parallel universe

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Comments 6

rodlox February 3 2013, 06:43:00 UTC
*offers a hug*

sadly, stupid Americans like those, they tend to say anything they disagree with is like Hitler, Stalin, etc. (Obama's been called a Communist and Hitler in one breath)

if ever I was inclined to drink, that idiot would be a perfect reason to drink.

>Are considerate, intelligent, well read Americans really a minority
lots of days, it feels like it.

>how about you come over here for a tour to Dachau
they should. but people like that tend to think "I don't need to tour the camps - I support Israel" as though that is the whole point of the invite to Dachau.

>demagogues (which is not just an insult but an actual offense in German law),
oh god I needed that - sat here for a minute laughing to myself over how many US politicians would be arrested under that law. :)

*offers hugs and fics to you*


sangate February 3 2013, 09:31:03 UTC
I've had to block several of my American friends' posts on facebook because of similar stupidity. I'm too let's say shy to respond, also because I know as a foreigner they will not appreciate any commentary, but it's driving me barmy to see some of the Obama/democratic/anti-gun hate they post. I've had no other option than to block people who I actually consider friends but who in my opinion have the most ridiculous notions when it comes to freedom.


rodlox February 3 2013, 10:09:43 UTC
sadly, sometimes all we can do, is report the ass-brains to the Moderator, and hope for the best.


hanseatic_keks February 3 2013, 11:02:04 UTC
or stupid neonazi politicians who just majorly contributed to their party being pronounced illegal by the federal constitutional court

what did I miss??

Hm. Ich glaube, sobald es an irgendwelche Einschränkungen geht, kommen die Ängste und das Denken hört auf. Zudem hat die NRA einfach zu viel Einfluss. Gesagt wrid Kontrolle/Einschränkung, aber verstehen tun alle nur "VERBOOOOT!!! Die wollen uns was verbieten!!! Wir sind ein freies Land, uns darf NICHTS verboten werden." Naja, und dann wird's auf alles geschoben, was irgendwie böse ist/war. Weil derjenige, der die Kontrolle/Einschränkung möchte, kann ja kein normal denkender Amerikaner sein...


jessie_ohki February 3 2013, 14:25:11 UTC
Tut mir leid, dass du dich über so einen Kackmist ärgern musst. :(

Aber... ich glaube, dass das kein rein amerikanisches Problem ist. Die N*-Wort-Debatte (oder jetzt die zum Thema Sexismus) hat mir gezeigt, dass wir genau soviele saudämliche Leute hier in Deutschland haben. Und das sage ich nicht, weil verschiedene Leute eine andere Meinung haben als ich - damit habe ich kein Problem und ich habe auch gute Diskussionen zu beiden Themen geführt, mit Menschen, die es anders sehen als ich. Aber was in anderen "Diskussionen" teilweise für Argumente genannt wurden... da konnte man als Befürworter der neuen Kinderbuch-Editionen auch schonmal als "(Sprach-)Nazi" (und viel schlimmeres) bezeichnet werden.
Kein Wunder, dass man so zum Misanthrop wird.


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