Guys, I'm sorry, I just have to. I can't. I.
I saw this in my Facebook timeline, posted by an American friend violently opposed to gun control (which is his prerogative but I'm still finding it stupid. This is, however, not the issue of this rant):
Liberals = Hitler, it's all in there! When I saw it, I felt my blood pressure surge up immediately and by now I'm furious enough to either throw up or cry a river. Or, my preferred option, punch the idiot that created this excellent example of overwhelming stupidity in their fucking face. Really, really hard. Either that or the friend that just called me reactionary because I posted this to his blabbering about... I don't even know what he was trying to say. Oh right, something something gun control something free country something I wouldn't believe my friend who was comparing Obama to Hitler but now I'm not so sure. That was it. Yes.
Anyway, I said this:
Did you even READ what I wrote? You are comparing a person that would have DIED under Hitler's reign to HIM. There is NO, repeat, NO similarity between wanting to control guns and fucking killing 6 million people after treating them like animals, taking their homes, taking their possessions, taking their dignity. And being responsible for a war that killed 70 million people.
You and that friend of yours have no idea what you're talking about. I'm saying... how about you come over here for a tour to Dachau, Buchenwald, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstadt, Flossenbürg, Ravensbrück, Bergen-Belsen, Ausschwitz and all those other places on this map: This is what Hitler did. Are you really trying to tell me introducing a gun control law is the same thing as THAT?
To which he told me the aformentioned "you're reactionary". No, honey, I'm not. I'm fucking livid about so much ignorance and obstinancy and blatant ignoring of historic facts. Why, why is it that when something isn't going their way, reactionary Americans always default to either "Hitler did the same thing! This is just like what Hitler did! He's like Hitler!" or "This is communist propaganda! The communists are out to get us! The communists will ruin this country!" when something isn't going their way?
Why is there so much ignorance in them and so much rudeness and so much offensiveness? Is this really what the American education system produces by default? Are considerate, intelligent, well read Americans really a minority that somehow lucked out of the American education system and/or found their education elsewhere?
(yes, I know that the German education system has its faults, and massive ones, but at least here when someone says things like, for example, "Gun control laws are just what Hitler wanted! Let's not introduce them!" they're either idiots, demagogues (which is not just an insult but an actual offense in German law), stupid politicians who'll have to announce their resignation the next day or stupid neonazi politicians who just majorly contributed to their party being pronounced illegal by the federal constitutional court)
ETA: Look who just took it down from his Facebook page... Or at least made it inaccessible to me, whatever, I don't care, at least I don't have to look at the piece of bullshit in my timeline anymore.